The Swedish Teacher of Wisdom
Hermes Winter 2015 - Enlighted? Maybe.
Hermes Winter 2020
Hermes Winter 2021
Is Facebook Safe? A guide for parents
Love is the way, the truth and the life.
No one can express the Father
except through Love
- Hermes
love people makes your
world beautiful!!! - Rachana
'I see the Christ in every face and in every
form. When the first child was born, the Christ was born.'
- Baird T. Spalding
Give a hungry person food at no cost!
"For I was hungry, and you gave me food to eat" - Jesus (Matthew 25:35)

Hermes Atar Trismegistus undervisning på Svenska Uppdaterad 2025-Februari-14
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Welcome and may God bless you through eternity. The purpose with this site is
to share (with no thought of reward) Spiritual Wisdom and Knowledge told by many teachers to all
people for all times. - Hermes Atar Trismegistus I am a Spiritual Life Philosopher and a Free Thinker.
"If such a calamity should come to pass, He would come immediately, come through the steam and smoke of
the burning atmosphere and damp the conflagration. With him would come THE GREAT TEACHERS FROM
OTHER UNIVERSES who would help restore the harmonious vibration of the earth."
"GREAT TEACHERS AND AMBASSADORS shall assemble from other worlds, and they shall call together all
who have an understanding of my teachings, and every one who is earnestly seeking a knowledge of Light.
And I, the Son of Man, shall appear in the midst of the steaming mist above the earth."
"And there was a silence that was broken by Matthew, 'When, Master, when shall these conditions overtake
the earth?' "That," answered Jesus, "is not known even by myself. Neither is it known by THE AMBASSADORS
FROM THE OTHER UNIVERSES. It will be governed entirely by the conditions produced by the noise of the
machinery of war, and the vibrations from the thoughts of evil-minded mortals. No one knows the day or the hour,
but the calamity will come without warning, even as a thief in the night."
- Matthew 24:29-30
Translated by Charles Lathrup Warn - Today as in the Days of Noah 1948,
four years before the first claimed UFO-contactee!
Dr. Warn makes the following statement about his translation of the same ancient text used by the
Church in their translation still in use today: "This book is a literal translation of the Bible. It is made from
the original unpointed texts of the Chaldeans, and the Greek Codex Sinaiticus. This is, I believe, the first time
that such a translation has been published in the English Language."
"Since we are part of this world, we must differentiate between the acts in our lives. We are allowed to analyze
for the purpose of understanding, but must not divide or condemn. We have not the right to sit in judgment on
our brother. He has come this way to learn his own lessons. Just as we cannot attend school for our children
and expect them to receive an education, so we cannot attend the School of Life for another. We can offer
a helping hand or a guiding word, but at no time should we try to force our will upon him. Remember, he may
be struggling to learn the lessons we have already mastered, but he must master them himself."
- George Adamski 1959.
”Ignorance is natural. We are not born with knowledge. But you can enter a wise
journey of seeking, listening to knowledgeable and critical persons, reading good
literature and not naively accepting everything. Choosing a wise journey of seeking is
to increase your knowledge, sharpening your reasoning ability and after in depth study
leave the views who are not grounded in experience and reason. The critical mind is
the number one instrument for the seeker.”
- Sven Magnusson 1930-2008
"Rely not on the teacher/person, but on the teaching.. Do not believe in
traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. Do not believe in
anything because it is written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything
merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. But after observation and
analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good
and the benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it."
~The Kalama Sutta
"Do what is right. Be pure. Offend in neither word nor deed. Live in your heart. Seek
the highest consciousness. Let go of winning and losing. Live in joy, in love, even
among those who hate. Look within. Be still. Free from fear and attachment, know the
sweet joy of the way."
~The Dhammapada
The Four Reliances
First, rely on the spirit and meaning of the teachings, not on the words; Second, rely
on the teachings, not on the personality of the teacher; Third, rely on real wisdom,
not superficial interpretation; And fourth, rely on the essence of your pure Wisdom
Mind, not on judgmental perceptions.
~ Traditional Buddhist teaching ~
“Our job is to love others without stopping to inquire whether or not they are worthy.
That is not our business and, in fact, it is nobody's business. What we are asked to
do is to love, and this love itself will render both ourselves and our neighbors
worthy.” - Thomas Merton
Google Translation:
Hello extraterrestrials, I want to meet you at
COOP Konsum
and be healed by you. I hear badly, have breathing problems, have smell
hallucinations, suffering from Paranoid Schizophrenia, as well as poor dental health,
because I have no money to go to the dentist. I also want to meet the blond-haired
woman 60-70 who spoke to me twice at
COOP Konsum,
after I dreamed about her. Either she is from the earth who cooperates with the
extraterrestrials or she is an extraterrestrial herself.
2020-03-15 Message to spiritually advanced aliens. I want to meet you at
COOP Konsum,
and be healed by you. I have two illnesses that I find difficult.
1.) Bad
hearing on both ears. I am deaf on my right ear and don't hear very well with a
hearing aid on my left ear. I wish you to say: Hello, Stefan! to my left ear
and if I do not greet back so ask: Did you hear what I said? and then I ask:
Yes, is there anything you want?, then continue the conversation and declare
that you are far away from Boden and that you are here to heal me and become friends
with me.
2.) I also have problems with breathing and for me to be symptom free
from clothes washed in unperfumed detergents and clothes that are new and do not
smell. So I take 20 mg of Olanzapine evening and 4 mg evening and 2 mg morning of
Zuklopentixol. Clothes that are washed in perfumed detergents and clothes that smell,
I can not have at all.
I want to meet the same two advanced aliens that I first
saw in Luleå in 2001, at the bus stop outside psychatrin. They looked 15-16 and one
was light-skinned and the other slightly tanned. Then I saw the same advanced aliens
in Boden 2001 at the intersection Travbanegatan/Heimdalsgatan and they had the same
skin color, but then they looked to be 8-10. It happened before I had problems with my
hearing and breathing problems, in the
summer of 2001.
I want travel with the aliens to the nearest moon base/planet
where all sorts aliens are visiting. I also want to receive censored photos and videos
with ET UFOs, ET creatures, ET animals, ET insects and ET plants. Then I will publish
the photos and videos on several suitable websites and I also want to be friends with
spiritually advanced aliens and also peaceful technologically advanced aliens. Of
course I wish to be healed of my breathing problems and poor hearing. It doesn't
matter much if I am healed by the laying on of hands or through technology appliances.
Hello aliens, now I have learned
video recording with my
digital camera. This means that you are welcome to fly with saucers over
Boden when it's bright outside and it's not raining when I visit Konsum Svea. I
would like to video record you when you fly in behind high-rise buildings and behind
trees. And video record you when you fly high edge, both left and right as well as up
and down and finish the maneuver with falling as leaves. It would be good if there are
witnesses from several different positions in Boden who see the same flying saucer and
preferably film with it their mobile phone.
I want to meet Valiant Thor. Last
summer there were suddenly two playgrounds with sand instead of one outside
Drottninggatan 50. There was a man in his 30s and 40s and leaned against a fence that
surrounded the sand and there were children playing there. The man resembled Valiant
Thor in face, but he had a different hairstyle on his head. One visual hallucination I
thought and didn't bother to contact the man. The next day was both the man and the
playground gone and I thought to myself that it was one visual hallucination. But I
would like to meet the man if he is real.
I have a proposal for an agreement. I
know you are secretly working and live on this planet. But what would you say if you
did NOT have to work and live in secret? The only thing you need to do is defend
Swedish airspace. I know you aliens do not want to kill, so your task will be to shoot
down incoming missiles and drones. As thanks for that you do this, you get to work and
live freely in Sweden and help to run forward development or just observing the
Swedes' thoughts and actions.
I wish the extraterrestrials a Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year, You
are welcome to visit me during Christmas and New Year
When can I travel with friendly extraterrestrials through Milky Way?
Do you know what source criticism is? Can you guess my sexual
orientation? What is true? I've had a gay reputation since the late 1980s. Does that
mean I'm gay? There is a gay personals ad in my name on a famous gay dating site, does
that mean I'm gay? I have a personal ad on my website,
My dreamgirl - Hermes Atar Trismegistus Contact advertisement does that mean I'm
straight? Which source is true for you?
I must say as it is, so that people will understand my sexual orientation. I have
never been gay, I am not gay, and I will never be gay. The gay rumor is nothing to do
about. But I can tell you the truth that I am not behind the personal ad on the gay
site. Someone unknown to me is behind it.
My goal is to handle all kinds of
politicans religiousminded as fellow man.
Sorry for my poor Grammar. My English
was on top in 1994.
Live this and your situation WILL be changed:
"Love everybody and everything and do God's will and you will experience heaven in
your life."
- Hermes Atar Trismegistus.
Love is God and loving everyone is the way to eternal life
"Love as much as you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can,
at all the places you can, during all the times you can, for as many people as you can, for as long as you can."
-Kevin Williams, a modification of John Wesley's quote
Contents: (Last Updated year-month-day)
Friendship with the Extraterristials in 2024 (2024-01-01) Updated
Links to Bodhisattvas and Buddhist Teachers
(2024-06-20) Updated
Tao and Ch'an-Zen (2007-10-08)
Jewish Teaching and Teachers (2008-06-18)
Christian Mysticism - with links to christian teachers!
(2024-11-25) Uppdaterad
A-U-M (OM) Saints and Hindu Teachers (2019-08-28)
New Thought - New Age - New Life
(2024-12-19) Uppdaterad
Islam Tomorrow
True Islam Does Not Kill Blasphemers
The Marrakesh Declaration: A Game Changer for Christian-Muslim Relations?
Sufi Mystics, Masters and Saints (2017-04-04)
Light of the world 1 - Jesus Christ by Hermes Atar Trismegistus (2019-02-02)
The truth about man
Nature of Christ
My spiritual discoveries
Believe in what Jesus believed
Look up to Jesus and get spiritual life
Lessons from the Light (2007-01-15)
The best teaching of the Near Death Experiences
The meaning of life
(A must read for every honest seeker!)
The Beautiful Spiritual Life
Love (2018-04-28)
Love and Joy (2018-04-28)
Sex is satisfaction (2019-08-27)
The goal with reading spiritual books
The way to Eternal Youth (2012-05-19)
The Word was made Flesh
Incarnate God (2019-11-01)
God lives in man
To express what is in the Mind of God
no reaction to what has been
God within me
Good cause
The problem with the power of matter over spirit?
I AM Affirmations (2018-04-18)
Mind Centering
Amazing Grace
The loving lightbody (2016-04-15)
The Field
God is One
Divine Life (2012-09-09)
Divine Thoughts - Divine Life
The Divine Life (2018-12-13)
I AM Divine (2018-02-19)
God Within
The kingdom of God?
My Kingdom
Our thoughts and feelings determine our life
Expressing the ideal
Oneness with God
Expressing the Spirit of God
Jesus Christ is a love vibration
Living together with Jesus (2021-02-21)
How can my prayer be fullfilled?
Healing and Deliverance (2022-06-22)
I can see!
A good life (2019-02-04)
How to feel well
What qualities does the living God have?
Behold God
God - Divine (2014-05-17)
The Godman - The Godwoman (2016-04-16)
I and God are One
Think as God and become selfrealized
Feel the feeling body and become enlightened
Divine Thinking?
The quiet mind
Enlighted? Maybe
Live as God wants (2019-03-09)
My Awakening (2018-11-15)
Do three things in your life! (2022-04-04)
How do you paint the world? (2018-09-17)
out of his innermost (2016-07-20)
Experience (2016-07-20)
Breakthrough? (2017-12-03)
The Christ Consciousness - The Messiah Consciousness (2013-09-26)
The God Sphere
The father in me does the work
The Inner Light
Good and evil
Good from God
Will of God
Mind - the greatest reciever
Silence-Stillness, knowing God and yourself!
Feeling God (2013-11-04)
Forgiveness (1999-08-15)
Hermes Guide to Spiritual Life (2000-01-26)
The Wisdom of Hermes Atar Trismegistus (2017-11-30)
Fear is the religion of the Devil (2001-01-28)
Was Jesus an extraterrestrial or the son of God? (2017-08-15)
Alan's Message - To the People of the Earth by Daniel W. Fry
The curve of Development by Daniel W. Fry
The good news according to Hermes
The discoveries of Hermes (2017-04-24)
The Aliens? The Extraterrestrials? The Contactees?
Utomjordingarna? Kontaktpersonerna? (2025-01-12) Updated
Hermes Free Energy Links (2025-02-17) Updated
Extraterrestrial Teachers (2019-11-15)
Close encounter of the first degree (2022-07-29)
Wisdom for the people (2024-07-13) Updated
Wisdom for the adept and the disciple (2018-01-23)
Teaching for my followers
Free Breathing Liberates
The End of this Age! (2024-01-17) Updated
Warning! September 23, 2023
My black/white visions
Searching for your Spiritual Guide? You have come to the right place! (2000-06-27)
Is Love and Light the truth about Man?
Love, Joy, Faith and Good Deeds (2019-08-27)
And the whole world will be set free... (2017-07-28)
"The person seeing perfection is the Master." - Baird T. Spalding (2007-06-23)
The Art of Self-Mastery
The origin of Man? (2022-03-09)
Doubtful Material
Amulets, Medallions, Talismans, Charms and the like.. (2001-04-15)
Hermes Free Program - Hermes Gratis Program (2017-10-21)
Hermes Free Penpal and Dating Service (2006-09-09)
Friends of Hermes (New photos of Hermes) (2010-02-20)
The best of Hermes Atar Trismegistus 1988-1998
Babes and Girls (2022-08-06)
Penfriends from all over the world 1987-1997
Beautiful Internet Girls (2007-03-17)
My dreamgirl - Hermes Atar Trismegistus Contact advertisement
My Spiritual Way by Hermes Atar Trismegistus (2018-04-13)
What others say about Hermes Atar Trismegistus and his website (2023-08-07)
My Progress 2017 (2018-01-23)
scattered thoughts (2018-04-11)
Jesus - The Guru (2017-10-01)
My desires regarding the future 2018 (2018-04-11)
My request leaving New Crosschurch
The real X-files (2018-01-20)
Hermes bookshelf (Search for used books, Sök efter begagnade böcker) (2020-11-21)
Hermes Cyber Portal (2012-11-23)
My health status (2024-06-24) Updated
More Links:
Mellen Thomas Benedict Updated
The Online Books Page
E-books in PDF format, rare, censored, banned and unknown
The Consortium for Therapeutic Communities (TCTC)
Einstein writes what your want..
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Akiane - Gallery
133 Optical Illusions & Visual Phenomena by Michael Bach
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Coronavirus: Guidance for Better Mental Health
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To cure Corona? (2025-01-27) Updated
Coronavirus Resource Page
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Calculator Linkpage
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Svenska Partiledare:
Daniel Hellden
Amanda Lind
Grön Ungdom
Nooshi Dadgostar
Ung vänster
Magdalena Andersson
Sveriges Socialdemokratiska Ungdomsförbund
Jimmie Åkesson
Muharrem Demirok
Centerpartiets Ungdoms Förbund
Fredrick Federley - Syndaren?
Ebba Busch
Krist Demokratiska Ungdoms Förbundet
Johan Pehrson
Liberala Ungdoms Förbundet
Ulf Kristersson
Moderata Ungdoms Förbundet
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US Debt Clock
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The Local Job in Sweden
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The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
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How to Download an Entire Website for Offline Reading
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Human Rights Watch
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The History of Nuclear Weapons Design 1945-2015 (Banned by National Security Letter-Ignored by VT)
VT Nuclear Education: The Beirut Nuclear Coverup
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