Good cause

Chamtrul Rinpoche Lobsang Gyatso

Chamtrul Rinpoche

Relax. You already have everything that you need. Your nature is already whole. Your nature is already pure.

There is nothing to obtain. You just have to give up and let go what is covering it.

~ Chamtrul Rinpoche

Since I first read Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East by Baird T. Spalding I have been one seeker of true spirituality, and I can say that I have concluded that true spirituality is not a bunch of rules to follow or slavishly following a holy scripture or slavishly follow an interpreter of the holy scriptures.

True spirituality is to come into contact with the Creator, the Good God and express God's qualities in life. By evaluating my dreams, I have come to the conclusion that when you are so inside the dream that you forget what has been, the way is open to one better life. A Divine Life, by forgetting what has been and only expressing God's properties.

Chamtrul Rinpoche has a point that many teachers of Buddhism miss. Namely, that perfection already exists and that one must forgive and forget imperfection, so that by contacting God's mind, one can express God's perfection.

Someone says we can never become perfect as human beings, because of our human errors and shortcomings. But I argue that by seeing perfection for others beings and express that perfection in life, so our human errors diminish and lacks. The world becomes better by expressing God's attributes. God is a good cause.

In a dream I had recently I learned the cause of divine life. The is to think crystal clear. Our desires, thoughts and actions affect the future. It's like playing chart music. When our thoughts are divine and crystal clear, and we live a godly life, our actions become godly. Our lives affect ours environment and when we express divinity, our fellow human beings and living creatures enjoy of our action. From divine thinking and crystal clear thoughts to express divinity in our lives and divinity about other living beings.

- Hermes Atar Trismegistus

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