The Christ Consciousness - The Messiah Consciousness

"There he studied the Buddhistic teachings which had
been preserved with a reasonable degree of purity. He saw that, in spite of the
ritualistic forms and dogmas that had been imposed by man, religion had but one source
and that was the God within, Whom he designated as his Father and the Father of all.
Then he threw all forms to the winds, as it were, and went directly to God, went
straight to the heart of this loving attainment. He soon found that this did not take
long years of weary plodding through dogmas, rituals, creeds, formulas, and
initiations which the priesthood were foisting upon the people in order to hold them
in ignorance and, therefore, in subjection. He realized that that for which he was
seeking was right within himself. He knew that in order to be the Christ he must
declare that he was the Christ. Then with pure motive of life, thought, word, and deed
he must live the life he sought, in order to incorporate it within his physical body.
Then, after perceiving this, he had the courage to go out and declare it to all the
Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East Volume 2, page 13
"God's love is like a pure spring that gushes from a mountain. At its source it is
pure but as it flows on its course it becomes clouded and polluted until it enters the
ocean so impure it does not even resemble that which emerged from the source. As it
enters the ocean it begins to drop the mud and slime to the bottom and again rises to
the surface as a part of the glad, free ocean. from which it again can be taken up to
refresh the spring.
"You can see and talk with God at any time, just as you can
with father, mother, brother, or friend. Indeed, He is far closer than any mortal can
be. God is far dearer and truer than any friend. God is never wrought up, nor angry,
nor cast down. God never destroys, nor hurts, nor hinders one of His children or
creatures or creations. If God did these things, He would not be God. The god that
judges, destroys, or withholds any good thing from his children or creatures or
creations is but a god that is conjured up by man's ignorant thinking; and you need
not fear that god unless you wish to do so. For the true God stretches forth His hand
and says, 'All that I have is yours.' When one of your poets said that God is closer
than breathing and nearer than hands or feet, he was inspired by God. All are inspired
by God when that inspiration is for the good or the right and all can be inspired by
God at all times if they only will.
"When I said, 'I am the Christ, the only
begotten of God', I did not declare this for myself alone, for had I done this I could
not have become the Christ. I say definitely that, in order to bring forth the Christ,
I, as well as all others, must declare it; then must live the life, and the Christ
must appear. You may declare the Christ all you will and, if you do not live the life,
the Christ will never appear. Just think, dear friends, if all would declare the
Christ then live the life for one year or five years, what an awakening there would
The possibilities cannot be imagined. That was the vision that I saw. Dear
ones, can you not place yourselves where I stood and see as I saw? Why do you surround
me with the murk and mire of superstition! Why do you not lift your eyes and minds and
thoughts above these and see with a clear vision! Then you would see that there are no
miracles, no mysteries, no pain, no imperfection, no inharmony, and no death, except
that which man has made. When I said 'I have overcome death,' I knew wherof I spoke;
but it took the crucifixion to show these dear ones.
Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East Volume 2, page 53-54
One of the party then turned and asked Jesus, "Can all bring forth the Christ?" He
answered, "Yes, there is but one end of accomplishment. Man came forth from God and he
must return to God. That which from the heavens descended must again ascend unto
heaven. The history of the Christ did not begin with my birth; neither did it end with
the crucifixion. The Christ was when God created the first man in His own image and
likeness. The Christ and that man are one; all men and that man are one.
As God
was his Father, so is He the father of all men and all are God's children. As the
child has the quality of the parents, so the Christ is in every child. For many years
the child lived and realized his Christhood, his oneness with God, through the Christ
in himself. Then began the history of the Christ and you can trace this history back
to man's beginning. That the Christ means more than the man Jesus goes without
contradiction. Had I not perceived this, I could not have brought forth the Christ. To
me this is the pearl without price, the old Vine in new bottles, the truth which many
others have brought forth and thus have fulfilled the ideals that I have fulfilled and
Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East Volume 2, page 55
The people ruled themselves: there were no wars and no vassals or slaves. They
unquestionably named their ruler "Directive Principle" and they loved and obeyed that
Directive Principle.
Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East Volume 2, page 79
"Here temples were built; not as places of worship, for the people worshipped every
moment by the life they lived. Living was always dedicated to the Great Cause of life;
and while they lived cooperating with the Great Cause, life never failed them. During
this time it was quite common to find men and women thousands of years old. In fact,
they did not know death. They passed from one accomplishment to a higher attainment
of life and its reality. They accepted life's true source and it released its
boundless treasures to them in an unending stream of abundance.
Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East Volume 2, page 115
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