
To cure Corona?


"Doctor" Hermes Corona Information

The corona virus (SARS-CoV-2) affects the entire human body. But, in principle, it only becomes dangerous if it causes pneumonia.

You can do this to reduce the risk of becoming seriously ill in COVID-19:

1) Protect yourself and others from the spread of infection

2) A strong immune system is A and O in the fight against the Coronavirus.

Therefore, I recommend eating 1000 milligrams of ascorbic acid/day divided into 500 milligrams morning and evening. Vitamin C can help fight viral infections in many ways:

Slowing down or blocking viral entry and spread in the body
Improving immune function and resistance against viral infections
Inhibiting viral multiplication in infected cells
Inducing suicide (apoptosis) of virally infected cells

Another way to defend the body against the Corona virus is to eat 1500 milligrams of L-Lysine/day divided into 750 milligrams morning and evening.. The amino acid L-Lysine blocks enzymes that are important for the coronavirus spread and development in the body.

A third way to defend the body against the Corona virus is to drink Probiotic every day. Then you employ your body's defense against infections.

NewThe fourth way to defend the body against the Corona virus is to eat at least 25 micrograms (1000iu) of vitamin D3 every day, which is important for the immune system's normal function and this level is considered safe. Eating more vitamin D3 than 100 micrograms (4000iu) every day can lead to very high levels of calcium in the blood and is unsafe.

The fifth way to defend the body against the corona virus is to eat 20 milligrams Zinc every day which is important for the immune system's normal function.

Both Zinc and vitamin D inhibiting viral multiplication in infected cells and are usually found among Multivitamin and Minerals tablets.

Sources: Dr. Matthias Rath and Andrew W Saul.

The goal of eating supplements is not to never get sick in corona. On the contrary, the goal is to get sick, but with weak symptoms that go away after 2 weeks. Then hopefully you become immune.

What should I consider before getting sick with COVID-19?

Buying Quercetin (take 250mg/day) and buy home green tea (6 cups/day in bulk) Quercetin (250mg/day) is a yellow flavonoid that has both antiviral properties and functions as Zinc transport molecule. The second is the Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) found in green tea (6 cups/day) which also acts as a Zinc transport molecule and both Quercetin and Epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) have the added benefit of inhibiting 3CL protease an enzyme used by SARS coronavirus to infect healthy cells. For corona patients, Zinc 30-60 milligram/day is recommended.

When the body is absorbed by a viral infection, a bacterial infection can also occur. Therefore, it is important to treat both virus and bacterial infections with Colloidal Silver. Colloidal Silver kills more than 650 different types of virus, bacteria, fungi and single-cell parasites. It also acts as an aqueous disinfectant. Take 3 teaspoons to 1½ liters of water. Stir and leave for 15 minutes. Then the water is ready to drink. Michael Zazzio rejects Emma Frans's claims of colloidal silver.

What should I do if I get sick with COVID-19?

If you do not belong to any risk group and do not get difficult to breathe, you should eat Quercetin (250mg 2 times/day) and at the same time raise the dose of Zinc to 50-60 milligram/day. It is also good to drink plenty of water. Fill a 1½ liter bottle with water. Add 3 teaspoons Colloidal Silver. Stir and leave for 15 minutes. Then the water is ready to drink. Drink two 1½ liters of water/day. It gives 6 teaspoons of Colloidal Silver which is the maximum dose for a day.

The same applies to those who become ill with COVID-19 and belong to a risk group and/or have difficulty breathing. If you find it difficult to breathe, try to inhale 6 teaspoons of Colloidal Silver/day. It will also be important for you to contact a doctor who has a free prescription right and request that they write one of the following four prescriptions:

1) A Report on Successful Treatment of Coronavirus

Zev Zelenko

Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko M.D.

Board Certified Family Practitioner

501 Rt 208, Monroe, NY 10950


April 28, 2020

To all medical professionals around the world:

The current sensitivity and specificity of the RT-PCR nasal swab test for Covid-19 is 99% and 66%, respectively. (1) In simple terms, when the test is positive, it is very accurate to diagnose patients with Covid-19. However, when the test is negative it is wrong 33% of the time.

In most outpatient situations, the RT-PCR Covid-19 test takes two to three days to get the results. This is unacceptable since it is imperative to initiate treatment for viral infections as soon as possible. (2) This clinical principle is derived from the recommendations of treatment for other viral infections (i.e. influenza, herpes zoster, HIV, etc).

According to the CDC, symptoms of Covid-19 may appear 2-14 days after exposure to the virus. The clinical symptoms of Covid-19 are: (3)

Cough and/or shortness of breath

Fever or chills (with or without rigors)

New loss of taste or smell


Headache and/or sore throat


Given the urgency of the situation, I recommend initiating treatment based on clinical suspicion as soon as possible, even without confirmatory testing.

I developed the following treatment protocol for the prehospital setting and have seen very positive results:

1. Any patient with shortness of breath is treated.

2. Any patient in a high-risk category with mild symptoms is treated.

3. Young, healthy and low risk patients even with symptoms are not treated (unless their circumstances change and they fall into category 1 or 2); as is well known, these patients likely self resolve.

My outpatient treatment regimen is as follows:

1. Hydroxychloroquine (11) 200 mg twice a day for 5 days

2. Azithromycin 500 mg once a day for 5 days

3. Zinc sulfate 220 mg once a day for 5 days

The rationale for my treatment plan is as follows. I combined the data available from China and South Korea with the recent study published from France (cites available on request). We know that hydroxychloroquine (10) helps Zinc (7) enter the cell. We know that Zinc (8&9) slows viral replication within the cell. (5) The use of azithromycin (4) prevents secondary bacterial infections and has antiviral effects. These three drugs are well known and usually well tolerated, hence the risk to the patient is low.

Since 3/15/20, my team has seen approximately 1450 patients in Monroe, New York with either test proven or clinically suspected coronavirus infection. The majority of the patients were treated with only supportive care. The patients with shortness of breath or who are in the high risk category were treated with the above regimen (approximately 405 patients at this point).

Of this group and the information provided to me by affiliated medical teams, we have had two deaths, six hospitalizations for pneumonia, and four intubations (all extubated now). In addition, to my knowledge there have not been any negative side effects other than approximately 10% of patients with temporary nausea and diarrhea.

In sum, my urgent recommendation is to initiate treatment in the outpatient setting as soon as possible in accordance with the above. Based on my direct experience, it prevents acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), prevents the need for hospitalization and saves lives. (6)

With much respect,

Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko M.D.

1) Estimating false-negative detection rate of SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR

2) Influenza Antiviral Medications

3) Symptoms of Coronavirus

4) Clinical Pharmacology Perspectives on the Antiviral Activity of Azithromycin and Use in COVID-19

(5&6&7&8&9&10&11&12) is inserted by me - Hermes Atar Trismegistus for additional knowledge

5) Zn2+ Inhibits Coronavirus and Arterivirus RNA Polymerase Activity In Vitro and Zinc Ionophores Block the Replication of These Viruses in Cell Culture

6) Does zinc supplementation enhance the clinical efficacy of chloroquine/hydroxychloroquine to win todays battle against COVID-19?

7) Can Colloidal Zinc be used as a treatment if inhaled?

8) Hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin plus zinc vs hydroxychloroquine and azithromycin alone: outcomes in hospitalized COVID-19 patients

9) How to Improve Zinc Uptake with Quercetin to Boost Immune Health

10) Get the Most From Your Green Tea

11) KILLING Hydroxychloroquine

12) Brazil: Early treatment with Covid Kit including HCQ is effective and safe

Do people die unnecessarily by the Corona virus?


Zev Zelenko

Dr. Vladimir (Zev) Zelenko M.D.

Yes, that is what New York doctor Zev Zelenko claims. He has developed a prescription to cure patients who are infected with the corona virus and who belong to risk groups or with shortness of breath.

His idea is to use the malaria drug Hydroxychloroquine as a transport molecule that brings Zinc into the cells. Inside the cell, Zinc prevents viral multiplication.

But Swedish doctors are skeptical about using Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin because they are both difficult to dose and can cause serious side effects. Fortunately, there are at least two natural substances that work similarly to (Plaquenil) without serious side effects.


Hydroxychloroquine lets zinc permeate cells. Zinc slows viral replication in cells. Hydroxychloroquine is the gun, zinc is the bullet. Some studies that suggest Hydroxychloroquine ineffectiveness seem to be designed to fail. (Whether it's intentional or not remains to be seen.) Of course a gun won't work without bullets!

Zev Zelenko had 405 COVID-19 patients until April 28, 2020 and only 2 have died. It should be compared with 71,419 people who have become ill and 5,420 have died in Sweden until July 4, 2020.

New 2) "Doctor" Hermes do it yourself prescription for COVID-19

1. Quercetin 500 mg twice daily for seven days

2. Colloidal Silver Take 3 teaspoons to 1½ liters of water, twice for seven days

3. Zinc 25 milligrams twice daily for seven days

The reasons for my treatment plan are as follows. Quercetin is a yellow flavonide that has both antiviral properties and is a zinc transport molecule that works similarly to Hydroxychloroquine without affecting the heart. Colloidal Silver kills both viruses and bacteria and is needed to counteract a bacterial infection in the lungs that can occur when the body is busy fighting the coronavirus. Zinc counteracts virus propagation inside the cell and gives the immune system time to learn the virus.

3) Intravenous ascorbic acid

Intravenous vitamin C for reduction of cytokines storm in acute respiratory distress syndrome

A new clinical trial to test high-dose vitamin C in patients with COVID-19

Intravenous Ascorbic Acid (IVAA) for COVID-19

4) Green light for trial study on using blood plasma from recovered COVID-19 patients

Blood plasma from people who recovered is a safe covid-19 treatment, study says

Pages that are continuously updated regarding which studies are in progress and which are completed and which conclusions:

Global Coronavirus COVID-19 Clinical Trial Tracker

COVID-19 Studies from the World Health Organization Database

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

NCBI SARS-CoV-2 Resources

New Antihistamines and azithromycin as a treatment for COVID-19 on primary health care

- Hermes Atar Trismegistus, Free Thinker My motto is: Treat as early as possible and survive COVID-19.


If you suspect that you have fallen ill with COVID-19 and belong to a risk group or have difficulty breathing, you should first contact the health service to get medical care if possible. Eating the supplements Quercetin and Zinc should be seen as a way to affect the body's own immune system. Quercetin transports Zinc into the cells, so that the virus propagation decreases and the body's own immune system has time to learn the virus and make antibodies. The fact that Quercetin itself has antiviral properties is just a bonus.

Colloidal Silver kills more than 650 different types of microorganisms. However, it is unknown whether it also kills SARS-CoV-2 and should not be considered as a replacement for antibiotics in a bacterial infection of the lungs, which can occur when the body is busy fighting SARS-CoV-2.


New Hi Simon,

Thank you for your suggestion of getting Ivermectin and Quinine.

I will ask my doctor if I get some serious symptom and not only loss of smell and taste. I have my own coronapage at:

I take the following supplements every day until I can be vaccinated 250 mg Quercetin, 20 mg Zinc and 30 ug vitamin D3.

Best Wishes, Hermes


New Hi Hermes,

Looks like you are doing sufficient to avoid getting ill. The Quercetin does much the same as Quinine, and you're not taking too much Zinc which can cause other problems if you did. If you can get a veterinary Ivermectin intended as a drench (that is, applied to the skin and not taken by mouth) at a local farm shop or vet, it seems that is effective as both prophylactic and to stop the virus multiplying if you do get infected, but I'd suggest not taking it unless you get symptoms. Dosage is 3mg per 20kg body weight, so if you get enough drench Ivermectin to treat a horse or cow, you'll need to calculate the amount you need to take. Note that the Ivermectin for animals is just the same quality as that for humans, just more easily available.

It seems that the majority of people these days are vitamin D insufficient, probably from the tendency to work indoors. It also seems that that could be a reason for more people getting cancers. As far as I've read, though, 4000iu of vitamin D each day would be better, and 10,000iu is safe since in an hour in the sun you can generate 150,000iu naturally. It takes around a couple of weeks for your body to convert the vitamin D into the active version that the cells actually use.

AFAIK colloidal Silver is an antibacterial, and doesn't work on viruses. Otherwise your page looks pretty good.

The purpose of getting the extra Zinc into your cells, or of using Ivermectin if you notice symptoms, is to stop the virus multiplying for long enough that your imune system (boosted by extra vitamin D) can recognise the virus, produce antibodies, and kill it. Thus, as you say, gain immunity for future infections. Meantime, note that the virus is mutating, and that you can thus catch it more than once if the new variant isn't destroyed by the antibodies you have. I'd thus see the supplements as being needed from now on, and that having the Ivermectin in the cupboard will also be a good strategy from now on. This is an RNA virus, so it will mutate, and so it will be around in one form or another from now on like 'flu. Vaccination will not be proof against these new variants, even if, like the 'flu vaccine, it's updated each year.

The more people know how to avoid getting ill, the better.

Best regards, Simon


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