The meal had not progressed far when our Chief asked the lady what she considered
the greatest attribute of God. Without a moment's hesitation she answered, "Love."
Then she went on to say, "The Tree of Life is located in the midst of the paradise of
God, the very depth of our own soul, and the rich, abundant fruit that grows and
ripens to the fullest perfection, the most perfect and life-giving, is Love.
Love has been defined by those who perceive its true character as the greatest thing
in the world. I might add that it is the greatest healing force in the world. Love
never fails to meet every demand of the human heart. The Divine Principle of Love may
be used to eliminate every sorrow, every infirmity, every harsh condition, and every
lack that harasses humanity.
With the right understanding and use of the subtle
and illimitable influence of love, the world may be healed of its wounds and the sweet
mantle of its heavenly compassion may cover all inharmony, all ignorance, and all
mistakes of mankind.
"With wings outstretched, Love searches out the arid spots
of the human heart, the waste places of life, and with seeming magic touch redeems
humanity and transforms the world. Love is God, eternal, limitless, changeless, going
beyond all vision into infinitude. The end we can only envision. Love fulfills the law
of its own, consummates its perfect work, and reveals the Christ within the soul of
Love is ever seeking an inlet whereby it may flow forth into the soul of
man and pour itself out as all good to him. If it is not disturbed by man's perversity
and discordant thinking, God's eternal, changeless current of love flows ever onward,
carrying before it, into the great universal sea of forgetfulness, every appearance of
inharmony or ugliness which disturbs the peace of man.
Love is the perfect
fruit of the Spirit; it goes forth, binding up the wounds of humanity, drawing nations
into closer harmony, and bringing peace and prosperity to the world. It is the very
pulse of the world, the heartbeat of the universe.
Humanity must be charged
with this current of love from the great Omnipresent Life if it would do the works of
- Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East volume 1, page 118-119.
"God's religion is love and the light of love sees no walls. Anybody who
unconditionally loves another human being for the goodness of their heart and nothing
more is already on the right side of God. True honor is being truthful, humble,
selfless and compassionate towards all living creatures. Those filled with
discrimination, prejudice, hatred, egotism, and pride stand the furthest away from
God." - Suzy Kassem
, "Remember, love is understanding and understanding is
love throughout the universe. Hence love is the constant of all worlds. By love I mean
only selfless love and not the carnality which is often mistaken here on Earth for
love. Love is infinte freedom."
"Love is stronger than life and deeper than the
boundless depths of time and space."
"Your Teacher has told you, God is Love,
and in these simple words may be found the secrets of all mysteries of earth and the
worlds beyond.
Orfeo M. Angelucci - The Secrets of the Saucers (1955)
"And, behold, a certain lawyer stood up, and tempted him, saying, Master,
what shall I do to inherit eternal life? He said unto him, What is written in the law?
how readest thou? And he answering said, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy
heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy strength, and with all thy mind; and
thy neighbour as thyself. And he said unto him, Thou hast answered right: this do, and
thou shalt live." Luke 10:25-28
"Beloved, let us love one another: for
love is of God; and every one that loveth is born of God, and knoweth God. He that
loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love." 1 John 4:7-8
" And we have
known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in
love dwelleth in God, and God in him." 1 John 4:16
Love is a force, a
beign, that needs understanding, for love is the electric force of life, the very
breath and essence of life. Love is the flame of eternal beauty. Love is wonderful,
and by love one achieves supreme happpiness. People who cannot love become spiritual
and physically ill. Not for them the riches of the soul; they live contrary to its
laws, thereby misunderstanding the true meaning of love and how it is food and life to
the soul.
Love needs to manifest within, to radiate outwards, encompassing all
within its radiating field as the star of our system encircles the inner planets
within its vast corona. To love all things is to enfold oneself within this magnetic
field of positive existence, to commune and become one with nature and live in harmony
with the Universe. One is alerted to the pulse of life, and the answer stream into the
brain, telling us what to do and how to live. Once we are attuned to the pulse of
light, or life, we move in harmonic rythm with our Galaxy or Universe and there is no
need for hate and dissension.
Akon from Alpha Centauri in the book
Beyond the Light Barrier by
Elizabeth Klarer (1980)
"We do not see the Truth with the physical eye," he replied. "We see it with an inner
eye that lies in the metaphysical area of the mind and which is opened up by spiritual
"You seem to forget," I returned. "That most of us on Earth lack
this special sixth sense which enables Venusians to visualize mental images produced
by the Truth. You can tell a blind man of the light, but you cannot make him see!"
"Arthur, this special faculty is not the exclusive possession of Venusians. It
is common to all mankind-inherent in life itself. For countless generations, your race
has lived and died like men who bandage their eyes that they might not see the light!
Listen carefully."
And then in words so simple that the humblest person could
understand, Frank revealed the secret whereby people of Earth-if they choose to accept
it-can learn to develop this marvellous sixth sense and the full consciousness of
Thruth. In essence, it was nothing more or less then to carry out the philosophy of
love of God and all His creatures, as thought by Jesus Christ, which in turn, would
open up that special spiritual area of the mind to see the Truth!
The Landing of the Venusian Spaceship by Arthur H. Matthews from the book - The Boys
from Topside by Wilbert B. Smith (1969)
"You Are What You Love, and You Love Whatever You Are Giving Your
Attention To" - Emmanuel Swedenborg
We do not have love, We are love - Vaishali
Lao Tsu, the great Chinese theosophist and author of the Tao Te Ching, said
over twenty-five houndred years ago, "The only way to do is to be." Therefore,
I believe that the only way to create love is to consciously be love."
Secrets of the Light (Lessons from Heaven)
page 105 by Dannion
Brinkley and Kathryn Brinkley
Life is the Classroom. Love is the Lesson - Bumper Sticker.
To the Master
there is no material universe. The visible Universe to him is the manifestation of
Spirit and is, therefore, spiritual in essence and governed by the law of Spirit. It
is this knowledge which gives him power and therein is the secret of all individual
power. To know the law of Spirit and to live in harmony with that law is always power
of unlimited degree. And that law of the Spirit is the law of Love.
It is love
that governs infinite space and all forms that are projected in space. That is why the
Scriptures say that if you are in love you are in God and God is in you. Love is
harmony and therefore keeps all things in harmony not only with itself but with each
other. When man is in a consciousness of love or a consciousness of perfect unity with
all things, he is in a state of perfect harmony with all things and with all people.
Love is, as it might be said, cohesion, or a binding force that keeps all things in
relationship to their source.
Working in harmony with their source they work in
harmony with all projections of that same source. But love will dissolve that which is
not in harmony with the Universal order for it demands of everything its complete
adherence to the principle of its own nature, which is Spirit. For that reason love
destroys hate, greed, selfishness, and self-seeking and the ego that comes from those
states of consciousness.
- Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East volume 4, page 149-150.
Len from Loom Love Message
Allt är kärlek - Di Leva
May the light in your heart shine through, like a bright shining star.
Never let it
fade. Cause love is the essens of your being.
And no matter where you are, you will
always return to Love, cause,
You Are a Child of God.
For all Eternity......
"Love people, not things; use things, not
people." - Kutie Deenan
Love Quotes -
Timeless Love Quotes and Quotations
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