Christian Mysticism

This site is for every mystic in the world and I call it Christian Mysticism because it dwells on the teaching of Jesus Christ.

Give a hungry person food at no cost!
"For I was hungry, and you gave me food to eat" - Jesus (Matthew 25:35)

Face of Jesus Christ

This reproduction is from an actual photograph taken on June 1, 1961 in Chichen Itza, Yucatan,
by one of thirty archaeologists working in the area at the time. Jesus appeared
in visible, tangible body and permitted his photograph to be taken.
or this photo is a materialization by Sri Sathya Sai Baba

Joseph of Arimathea and Jesus

Joseph of Arimathea and Jesus

The photograph were taken near the Sea of Galilee on a visit to the Holy Land in 1967 by a photographer
(who does not want to be named) with a simple Kodak Instamatic camera, at the invitation of Pleiadians,
who said they would show her scenes from back in time (about April 31 AD).

Jesus the child

Jesus as a holy child
Save and Print this photo and put it on your wall. Whenever you have problems, please put your hand on it or KISS it. Then you will be blessed!

Jesus - Socialist

När passar det att tänka på Gud?

This site will also interest you, who is a christian and have discover that life is more then being saved through confession and rolling thumbs in the waitingroom of death that supposly leads to a heavenly afterlife in paradise.

Live this and your situation WILL be changed:

"Seek first the love of God and his will and you will experience the kingdom of God."

- Hermes Atar Trismegistus.

New Att bota Corona? (2021-02-21)

New To cure Corona? (2021-02-21)

Read and think over the following topics

Världens ljus 1 - Jesus Kristus av Hermes Atar Trismegistus (2019-02-02)

Light of the world 1 - Jesus Christ by Hermes Atar Trismegistus (2019-02-02)

Sanningen om människan

The truth about man

Mina andliga upptäckter

My spiritual discoveries

New Du har tro - Använd den!

Tro på det Jesus trodde på

Believe in what Jesus believed

Jesus Kristus lära

umgås med Jesus Kristus

Silence-Stillness, knowing God and yourself! (2003-05-30)

The Final Teaching of Christ

The birth of Jesus Christ at Christmas

The Heathen Messiah! (2000-06-02)

Godlife - The Life Eternal (00-06-17)

My words are Spirit and they are life...

The Lightbody! (2000-07-16)

Behold, the kingdom of God!

Faith, Hope and Love (1999-12-12)

Is God really three personalities? (2001-01-26)

The Essence of Christianity

The Idol - The Servant, The Ideal - The Son (2011-08-10)

the Writings of the Creation

Hermes bookshelf (Search for used books, Sök efter begagnade böcker) (2018-09-01)

Links to Christian Teachers

Sundar Singh-wandering Christian Saint

New Frälsningsarmen

Brokyrkan i Hok

Svein-Magne Pedersen


Helad Katt

Osborn Ministries International

Joan Gieson Ministries of Love

Peter Youngren - World Impact Ministries

Great Faith for Great Miracles - Peter Youngren

Please send an e-mail to and tell him what you liked with his book

Please consider to donate $20.00 for one copy of the paper book "Great Faith for Great Miracles - Peter Youngren", instead of printing 80 pages with your printer.

Tommy Lilja

John Mellor

Taize Community

Benny Hinn

Scarrella Ministries

Padre Pio

David Hathaway

Ken Collins

Love Revival

The Death Of “Spirit Science & Metaphysics”

The NDE and Jesus - Kevin Williams' research conclusions



New Jesus gör under än idag!

Apostlagärningarna 29


Trosgnistan Mission

PTL Ministries

Peter Ljunggren

Fool for Jesus - Simon Johansson

Marcus och Hanna Bloom

The House

Torben Søndergaard

Bo Lenells: Det är obibliskt med samfund


Rickard Cruz

Hans och Eva Marklund

Johannes Amritzer

Linda Bergling

My thoughts and reflections - Martin Reen

Frimodig kyrka - Kyrkoval 2025

Christopher Alam

Christ for all Nations

Daniel Kolenda (2010-05-30)

IN TOUCH MINISTRIES - The Bible teaching ministry of Dr. Charles Stanley, Pastor of the First Baptist Church of Atlanta, Georgia.
IN TOUCH reaches the world through television, radio, magazine, and the world wide web to provide solid biblical teaching for today's issues.
InTouch logo & Link to InTouch Ministries

Chuck Baldwin Live


Den Jesus som aldrig funnits

(A must read for every honest seeker!)

Kundalini Yoga and Pentecostals Identical Manifestations Identical source!

Today, As in the days of Noah - Charles Lathrup Warn

Divine Revelations

Blue Letter Bible
(Incredible - A must visit!)

King James bible online


David Wilkerson 2009 Prophecy

Låt oss ta det här om helvetet igen? - staffa52

Med lite fysik fungerar det

The Skeptic's Annotated Bible

God is Imaginary


Tidskriften Flammor

Tidens Tecken

Finns det onda andar i vår moderna tid?

New Varning för kristen animism!

Heléns resa i nyandlighet var nära att kosta henne livet

New Martin sökte i det ockulta redan som barn

Katrin: ”Jesus tog bort all tomhet och sorg”

New Befriad Nu

New Missbrukaren Torbjörn Björk fann Jesus och blev fri

New Jesus kan rädda dig från mörkret till ljuset

Lillebils långa andliga resa slutade med en själslig ro

Natalie mötte Jesus på en new age-mässa

Pias väg från new age till Jesus

Fri från Feng Shui och horoskop

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