The Alien Visitors

The Alien Visitors

Rene Erik Olsen


Acknowledgments page 4

Introduction page 5

Chapter One - The beginning of the Universe and cosmology page 7

Chapter Two - The shuttle crafts page 13

Chapter Three - The cruisers page 37

Chapter Four - Time and Space page 47

Chapter Five - Technology prospects page 51

Further explanations - Instant travel page 55

Chapter Six - What's Up! Final thoughts page 57

Illustrations - photos and paintings page 61-119


On Thu, 2019-05-02 at 13:18 +0200, Hermes Atar Trismegistus wrote:

Hi Simon,

Today I got my hands on a very interesting book The Alien Visitors by Rene Erik Olsen and it is dynamite. As you are experimenting with gravity controlling technology I think this book is for you

In the introduction Rene Erik Olsen writes: "I also recommend reading papers by Thomas Townsend Brown, F. E Alzofon, and many others who have written about and researched "exotic propulsion" and general books on quantum physics. These writings will help you get a broader understanding of nature, the Universe and all things "out there". There is still much to be discovered."

Does any name or research sounds familiar?

He also writes about two types of shuttle crafts:

"The hull is a three-layes metallic skin - layered on a light weight titanium/magnesium/silicon composite shell"

"The inner central cabin is constructed by an aluminum/silicon composite material."

Does it sound familiar?

As a sign for our friendsship I want to send the book free of charge.

All I need is your postal address.

Best Wishes, Hermes

P.S how is your research doing? I am researching an inverse Clemente Figuera Device and today I recieved my new function generator as the old was malfunctioning.

JT-JDS6600 Manual English - 2,55 MB

JT-JDS6600 Datasheet English - 271,63 KB


tor. 2. maj 2019 kl. 17.10 skrev Hermes Atar Trismegistus

Hi Rene, (and Simon)

Today I have read The Alien Visitors and I must say it is dynamite as your book The George Adamski Story. My friend in France who are experimenting with Alzofon gravity control says the following about The Alien Visitors which he hasn't read.


Hi Hermes,

The fact that he mentions TT Brown in relation to gravity control says he doesn't know what he's talking about, but is getting money for writing the book anyway. The book may have some real information in it, but mixed up with a lot of falsehoods and no way to tell which is which. As such, it'll probably lead you down a wrong path like most such books do. The majority of the UFO stories are hoaxes, and there are only a few that have a chance of being true. Thanks for the thought, but I don't want the book.

Ditto the "shuttle craft" details - these aren't known and so that's pure speculation without any backing. Following such made-up details won't get you anywhere, since it hasn't been tested and no-one knows.

As far as I can tell, from looking at, MarathonMan still hasn't produced a working Figuera replication, though IIRC he was expecting to be finished last August last time we had an email. As I said back then, this won't work, and the stories that it did are lies one way or another. As far as I can see, there's not a lot of point in trying to make this work since it won't work. It's actually quick and easy to make a device that would work if the principle was valid, so if you do that and it doesn't work you can simply cross it off the list as non-workable.

Yep, Alzofon's theory looks good, and there's more work to do to test that out. I don't have much confidence it will work as stated, but the benefit if it does work is massive and so it needs someone to test it out. A few people are doing that that I know of. Maybe some initial data in a few months, and we'll work upwards from there.

As I keep saying, there's not a lot of point in trying to replicate a Free Energy hoax, since the ones that are published don't work and have never worked. That's pretty harsh, but needs to be faced. Instead, look for what hasn't been tried before, or where there's a good reason why the experiments failed.

Best regards, Simon


Rene Erik Olsen, I have read Håkan Blomqvist blog at:

and I have a few questions:

1) How old did your adamski contacts look like? Answer in 10 years (30-40?) (20-30?)

2) Did they look slightly more beautiful then earthly men and women?

3) Where they unusual kind and/or unusual happy?

4) Your technology information where does it originate? From your contacts or from George Adamski's diary entries?


I think I have met one of adamski's venusian friends:


Swedish scroll down for an english google translation

Lördagen 23 februari, efter klockan 18:30 var jag och handlade för andra gången på COOP Konsum. När jag var på väg mot Coca-Cola såg jag en ljushårig tjej i 30 årsåldern som jag hejade på. Sedan gick jag förbi godiset och då log hon. Det var en trevlig tjej, henne vill jag bli bekant med tänkte jag och jag fick möjligheten att bjuda in henne till varubandet i kassan, eftersom hon var nästa i kassakön.

Sedan fick jag en pratstund med henne medans vi packade varorna. Jag sa att: "Bor du också på Sveafältet?" och då sa hon: "Nej, jag kommer från Enus" i alla fall var det jag tyckte mig höra, men jag hör dåligt så jag frågade igen och då tyckte jag mig höra svaret: "Erikslund" och hon pekade mot Erikslund. Jag sa då att: "Då har du bil?" och hon svarade jakande på den frågan samtidigt som hon log och när jag hade packat klart sa jag "Ha det så bra" och gick samtidigt som hon log och tackade så mycket.

Så här i efterhand tycker jag att det inte var så smart att avsluta samtalet så fort, eftersom jag kunde ha ställt flera frågor, men jag hoppas träffa henne igen. Jag brukar gå till COOP Konsum efter klockan 18:30 och senast gå ifrån COOP Konsum klockan 18:45, Men inte på söndagen 24 februari för då vill jag inte blåsa bort. Det jag gillade hos henne var att hon log mycket, fastän hon såg ut att vara mer än 30. Hon uppfyller två kriterier på min kontaktannons: Min drömtjej


english google translation:

Saturday, February 23, after 6:30 pm, I was acting for the second time at COOP Consum. When I was on my way to Coca-Cola I saw a fair-haired girl in her 30s whom I was cheering on. Then I passed the candy and then she smiled. It was a nice girl, I want to get acquainted with what I thought and I had the opportunity to invite her to the commodity at the checkout, because she was next in the till.

Then I had a chat with her while we packed the goods. I said, "Do you also live on the Svea field?" And then she said: "No, I come from Enus" was in any case what I thought I heard, but I hear badly so I asked again and then I thought I heard the answer: "Erikslund" and she pointed to Erikslund. I said then, "Then you have a car?" and she answered in the affirmative on that question while she smiled and when I had packed it I said "Have that good" and went while she smiled and thanked so much.

So in retrospect I think it was not so smart to finish the conversation so fast, because I could have asked several questions, but I hope to meet her again. I usually go to COOP Konsum after 6:30 pm and most recently leave the COOP Konsum at 18:45, but not on Sunday February 24, then I do not want to blow away. What I liked about her was that she smiled a lot, though she looked to be more than 30. She meets two criteria on my contact: My dream girl

Best Wishes, Hermes

The Swedish Teacher of Wisdom

Hermes Atar Trismegistus

Hermes Atar Trismegistus

Den svenska visdomsläraren


Hi Stefan

I do speak swedish, but maybe it will be more productive to answer in English. First - your French friend Simon - I have no idea who he is and what the "work is he is doing re Alzofon" so I have no idea how he can pretend to discuss anything and also pretend to have answers re. alien technology. That is my answer re. Simon.

I just mentioned T. T. Brown and Alzofon as two out of so many who has done research in the field of alternative propulsion possibilities. I have NOT researched any of them - just recommendations.

Håkan Blomqvist blog questions:

1. Man stated he was 28 years and woman I guessed 30 years old.
2. Looked like ordinary Earth humans - could have been Danish.
3. They were both very patient (tålamod) when I did not understand what they told me and asked for clarification.
4. Information on propulsion and technology originate from these two, and details were extremely detailed. They documented their information.

I decided to write the book after a description by Steckling (in an email) about a film taken by Adamski of a "mothership" with twirling energy fields. That was what I had heard in 1990-1992 from these two people (in detail). This fact convinced me to write the book after 27 years of sitting on the information.

Hope this clarifies some of your questions - and I am happy that you liked the book.

But just remember that the information IS important and I am definitely NOT.

All the best



This book is all about the George Adamski's extraterrestrials friends and their very advanced technology and is supported by Glenn Steckling photos and films. The book is 119 pages with around 80 illustrations (with a lot of color and black and white photos). Both on flying saucers and motherships.

That's why I give the book:

Blue candle Blue candle Blue candle Blue candle Blue candle

Blue candle Blue candle Blue candle Blue candle Blue candle

of 10 candles.

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