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Clean Energy Inventions to be researched 2022

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Clemente Figuera, et al. Infinite Energy Machine Updated 2025-February-19

Hermes Inverse Clemente Figuera Generator

Conversation of Permanent Magnet Energy to Electric Energy

The Adams Active Thermo Electric High Voltage Pulsed DC Permanent Magnet Switched Reluctance Electric Motor

Robert Adams Pulsed Electric Motor Generator: Theory & Tips

Bob Teal Magnipulsion

USP 4,093,880 Magnetically Operable Engine by Benjiman R. Teal

USP 3,992,132 Energy Conversation System by J. William Putt

USP 190,206 Electro Magnetic Motor by Wesley W. Gary

Hermes Atar Trismegistus

Hermes Atar Trismegistus

Background related to research:

2 years Electricity and Electronics - 1982-84

34 weeks Control and Sensor Technology - 1986

Positive side: is able to think outside the box. My brain receives flashlights illuminations when I think of a problem.

Negative side: Not all ideas I have works.

Current Situation: Living on disability pension for the rest of my life. Suffer from Paranoid Schizophrenia. On medication. Injection every second week - 150mg/0.75ml Cisordinol. 4mg Cisordinol, 20 mg Zyprexa, before going to sleep. 2mg Cisordinol at lunchtime to dampening my symptoms. Zyprexa has made me fat, because of sugar addict. I now weight 110 kg. Because of medicine I sleep 12 hours night and are awake 12 hours day.

I am happy, dispite my problems. My problems hearing voices that was not commanding, but commenting voices begun in 1996. Now I do not hear the voices much, but instead I am telepatic and receives flashlight illumination. I can think of a problem and know the solution at once.

I have researched a Bob Teal Magnipulsion 5 volt pulsed electromagnet and after some practical tests. I have come to the conclusion that the hysteresis losses are too big and the inductive spike that can power lights is too small. The effectivity is always less than 100%. However, if the electromagnet is superconducted the effectivity might exceed 100%. You can see my experiment here. The red diode to the left is on when the energy is recovered . The red diode in the middle is on when the electromagnet is OFF and the green diode is on when the electromagnet is ON. The video has no sound and plays 8 times slower than normal.

Hi, everyone!

I have been thinking of how Clemente FIGUERA, et al. Infinite Energy Machine might have looked like in real life, as it is obvious that it does not work according to the patents drawings. So I have come up with a mix of Lawrence Tseung's magnetic frame


I have not built it myself. First, I want to have your opinion. Will it work? You will find its research status at this page:

For your Infinite Energy Machine you should be aware that an induced current in the second coil depends solely on the change of magnetic flux, and so any static flux you add by using permanent magnets won't change things at all. What you'll end up with is a somewhat inefficient transformer. The output will be spiky since it's the differential of the input square-wave, and thus is likely to be mis-measured by a normal meter. Although the meters may thus show a gain, that's not real and if you put the current through a resistor and measured the heat produced you'd prove it was lossy rather than gainful.

If you really want to know how to get a continuous supply of work output, then you should read (and the article and other comments) and spend a while thinking about it. As far as we can tell we can't make or destroy energy itself - there is a fixed supply of it set at the creation of the universe and changing the quantity would affect every other particle in the universe. That is such a large barrier to overcome that we might as well accept it can't be done. We don't really want energy, though; we want work to be done and for that we need a movement of the energy we already have from one place to another. What we are looking for is a way of either harnessing some natural energy-flow to produce work or to fix things so that energy loops itself and gives us a continuous supply of work.

The trick of getting a continuous loop of energy won't work using magnets and coils. They will transfer energy around but won't loop it - you'll need to put work in going one way and you get it out going the other, with a net result of zero work done in ideal conditions. To get that loop you need to either use some quantum mechanics tricks or some chemical tricks in order to get that energy naturally moving the way you need it to. As far as I can tell you can't do it with random collections of particles such as a gas or liquid unless you can add in an equivalent of a diode to skew the probabilities away from the normal. It's worth looking at what Dan Sheehan has been doing to get an idea of one way of actually making this work. I've covered a few others that actually work (at a very low level) on R-G over the last few years.

Bottom line, though, is that using human-scale structures won't work, and that you need to consider molecular scale in order to find a system that will actually perform. The Second Law of Thermodynamic (2LoT) will apply to any large collection of random particles, and all human-scale devices will have enough particles for 2LoT to apply unless you use nanoscale structuring of it - you need to consider individual collisions/interactions and skew them rather than using a large number at once and trying to skew them as a group.

When you look at all the work that has gone into various forms of Free Energy, if the principles worked then it's pretty certain that someone would have had something work. Yes, there have been claims but somehow those working devices always got lost or destroyed, and replications just didn't work either. The most likely reason is that the principles are wrong. The article on R-G is the analysis of why those principles fail, but more importantly puts forward a principle that will work based on observations and their logical consequences. The really big point there is that we have defined energy-flows even when a system is in thermal equilibrium. If we have a flow of energy, we can extract work from it. It's that simple, in principle at least. In practice it is of course more difficult since it does need engineering at the micron level.

Best regards, Simon Derricutt

New I found some success using a different methodology many other inventors used in the past...

From around 1880 to 1950, prior to Einstein's physics, there were countless FE devices popping up everywhere. They had a different more common sense and independent mindset back then. They weren't preoccupied with math and equations but more so hands on experiments and deductive reasoning. They were truly free and independent thinkers because they were reclusive and most of the science we know didn't even exist. Thus they were forced to think independently for themselves.

Another aspect was Tesla's quote to "Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born".

Tesla was correct and few if any of the greatest scientists/inventors held popular beliefs and they were mostly anti-social trouble makers. As Tesla implied, the secret is to be alone and cast off all others false beliefs so we can see clearly beyond any external influences. Indeed, this is the secret and logically we cannot do extraordinary things by blindly following ordinary people with common beliefs.

However it's problematic because many equate being alone and true independence as a contempt for others. Many have the "either your with us or against us" mentality which relates to religion, politics and populism. Many have the notion that we should be independent so long as we believe, think and act as they do or risk be branded as heretics. Even more dangerous is that many equate a rejection of most popular beliefs or opinions as ignorance. Thus we can begin to see there are countless elements in play continuously trying to make us conform to others.

Here is a methodology I have used and found some success with based on Tesla's notion "to be alone".

1)We should seek as much knowledge and understanding as we can but believe nothing as an absolute, always think independently.

2)We should always do real experiments where possible and approach them with a child like perspective as if we know nothing. It is this presumption of thinking we already know the result which biases our thinking and observations. If we go into an experiment with an open mind considering everything we observe as new with no expectations the odds of learning something new increase exponentially. This is true because we question everything from a new perspective. Always ask how and why?...

3)Make mistakes, contrary to popular belief most discoveries were made by accident and blind luck. We are creatures of habit and copy what we see without even knowing it. We do the same things over and over and it's only when we do something different that the result can change. As Viktor Schauberger said, do the opposite of everyone else and you will be on the right track. Do something completely different, make mistakes and learn from them.

4)Always use logic and deductive reasoning to our advantage. We could ask, if the successful inventors claimed the technology is easy why can so few replicate it, what's missing?. I have found knowledge and understanding helps but it was curiosity and questioning everything with an open mind which mattered most. Logically if the inventor knows something we do not then we missed something. Thus it's not a matter of making something work it's finding that missing piece of the puzzle.


AC - Onepower

New Hi Hermes,

That was Hector How to build a ZPE research lab at your home Version 1.27, 2004/07 by Hector (ARK Research) Hector told us for so many years, to use his diodes plugs to catch the reactive powers. But " I think" Ole told us, that it is useless to use reactive powers with calculations to prove it. But from what i am reading lately, the new things are made by people who doesn't know that, it can't be done!


New Hi Hermes,

I don't know who wrote that text on how to be an inventor, but whoever it was got it right. Ditto the comment by Jean about reactive power, where the apparent "free" power that's there is simply an artifact of the wrong method used to measure the power.

One useful technique is to look at anomalies, where what actually happens is against what current theory says should happen. It might be a very small effect, or it may be quite obvious but because it always happens it's ignored.

Pretty central to things is

Noether's Theorem,

which basically says that where we have a symmetry it will result in a conservation law. Best to go look that up, so you understand it. The corollary of this is that if you find a way to break a specific symmetry, you also have a way to violate the conservation law that results from that symmetry.

I've already pointed out one valid route to achieving free energy, which is based on using the "reactionless" electric thrusters. Because this is pretty obvious, and experiments are proceeding on various types of reactionless thrusters (with different and incompatible theories as to why they work), and because the "leaky capacitor" design can obviously be much improved, I'd expect we'll see such free energy generators on sale within a decade and that we'll see experimental verification within a year or two. The symmetry they violate is that the action is no longer equal and opposite to the reaction, thus violating the conservation law for momentum and allowing violation of the conservation law for energy too.

Over the last week or so I've had some conversation with Eddie Sines. See US 9,080,557 B2 . Here, he noticed that when you cool a material below the superconductive transition temperature Tc, a magnet placed on top of it will suddenly lift as the magnetic field lines are expelled from the now-superconductor. Where does the energy come from to do the work of lifting the magnet? Then back around 1999, it was found that when the superconductor was just below Tc (thus superconductive), a low-power laser could switch it off so that it became a normal conductor. See for the data there.

Thus we can control the passage or not of a magnetic field through a superconductor, and control the reluctance of a magnetic path using a low-power (microwatts) of laser power. It should be pretty obvious that (a) this breaks the normal symmetry of a change of magnetic field requiring as much energy as you can get out by induction as a result of that changing field (Lenz's law), and (b) violating that symmetry allows us to also violate CoE. Eddie's design is a bit more complex because he's using magnetic vortices in the superconductor to connect flux rather than using a superconductor to block it, but that's because it works better that way.

Eddie is pretty close to having a working system. Producing the tubular thin-film superconductors is a specialist job that he's had to develop himself, but looks like could be mass-produced. Downside is that it will need to be cooled to around liquid Nitrogen temperatures to work, but the output power will be pretty high because it can switch at high frequencies.

Thus there's already a second way to produce energy from *nothing* by breaking the relevant symmetry.

When it comes to the Bert Harju motor, as far as I can see there's no symmetries being broken. There's also an error in the logic or wording here, saying it produces twice the power when what's actually happening is that the speed is halved while the torque is doubled, meaning that the power produced is the same. It's not free energy, just getting more torque from the motor.

Best regards, Simon

Expenses April 2014: 48 Ferrite Rods 100*10mm including shipping and handling: 103 US Dollar.

Expenses May 2014: 3 Ferrite Rods 100*10mm, 1 Ferrite Rod 160*10mm, 2 Ferrite Rods 180*10mm, 1 Ferrite Rod 195*10mm including shipping and handling: 30 US Dollar.

Expenses June 2014: 96 small low frequency transformers including shipping and handling: 62 US Dollar.

Expenses July 2014: 36 high frequency transformers including shipping and handling: 54 US Dollar.

Expenses September 2014: 5 rechargeable batteries 6 volts/225maH, 15 10000uf/35 volts capitors including shipping and handling: 40 US Dollar.

Expenses June 2015: 10 5 volts mini relays, 10 12 volts mini relays including shipping and handling: 15 US Dollar.

Hermes Free Energy Transformers

Hermes RLC-amplifier

Hubbard Coil

Coutier Transformatorn

Buck Converters

Clemente Figuera, et al. Infinite Energy Machine Updated 2025-February-19

Hermes Inverse Clemente Figuera Generator

Conversation of Permanent Magnet Energy to Electric Energy

The Adams Active Thermo Electric High Voltage Pulsed DC Permanent Magnet Switched Reluctance Electric Motor

Robert Adams Pulsed Electric Motor Generator: Theory & Tips

Bob Teal Magnipulsion

USP 4,093,880 Magnetically Operable Engine by Benjiman R. Teal

USP 3,992,132 Energy Conversation System by J. William Putt

USP 190,206 Electro Magnetic Motor by Wesley W. Gary

will be opensourced or patented if we can improve on existing schematics and make them true clean energy technologies.

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