Colonel James Churchward

was the author of the famous MU-books, about a legendary civilization in the Pacific Ocean region over 20000 years ago.

Some excerpts from his books:
Max Muller: "There was a primitive Aryan religion, a primitive Semitic religion and a primitive Tauranian religion before each of these primeval races was broken up and became separate in language, worship and national sentiment.

"The highest god received the same name in the ancient mythology of India, Greece, Italy and Germany, and was retained by them. The name was Dyaus in Sanscrit; Zeus in Greek; Jovis in Latin; and Tiu in German (Wotan?). They bring before us all the vividness of an event which we witnessed but yesterday.

"The ancestors of the whole Aryan race, thousands of years it may be before Homer or the Veda, worshipped an unseen being under the selfsame name, the name of Light and Sky. Let us not turn away and say that this was, after all, but nature worship and idolatry. No, it was not meant for that, though it may have been degraded into that in later times.

Dyaus did not mean the blue sky nor simply the sky personified ; it was meant for something else. We have in the Veda the invocation 'Dyaus Pitar', the Greek 'Zeu Pater' and Latin 'Jupitar', and that means in these three languages what it meant before these three languages were torn under:

' Heaven Father'


Lord's prayer:

My old friend, the Rishi, never tired of talking of the Great Master, Jesus. One day he said to me: "The Lord's Prayer, as the Christians call it, is the greatest masterpiece of phraseology and condensation ever written, for it embodies the whole of the ancient religion in a few short paragraphs.

Take, for instance, the beginning,

`Our Father which art in Heaven.'

In these six words many points in the ancient religion are covered. It first tells us that we are His children; therefore all mankind are brothers and sisters. "Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive others that trespass against us." These simple words tell us our duty one to the other, and that we should love one another like brothers and sisters.

Again `Our Father' tells us that we should approach Him as we would our earthly father, with love and confidence. "Give us this day our daily bread" is an other wonderful sentence and farreaching. It tells'us that we should avoid greed and the craving to amass wealth and depend on Him for our daily needs.

He will care for us, thus leaving us free to amass spiritual wealth without anxiety about the material."You will notice, my son, our temple has no wealth nor have those connected with it any wealth. We depend entirely on what the Heavenly Father sends us day by day through the people. Our faith in Him is implicit, so he never allows us to want."

And so he would go on through every sentence of the Lord's Prayer. Another favorite sentence in the Lord's Prayer to comment on was: "Lead us not into temptation:" This, he said, "was unquestionably a mistranslation of the Master's words and no doubt was unintentional, arising from careless reading.

" He then went on: "Let us reason it out. In one of the paragraphs it is shown that the Heavenly Father is the All Powerful, for it says : `For Thine is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory.' Here it is shown that the supposed leader into temptation is the All Powerful. Therefore, being All Powerful, He cannot fail; and who is the All Powerful? Our kindly Heavenly Father whose love is so great it rules the universe. Could He forget His great love and set a trap for a son's downfall? Impossible !

"I think the words of the Master, correctly translated, would be :
'Let us not be led into temptation' ;
for in the Sacred Writings we find :
`O Heavenly Father, let not temptation overtake or surround us.
If it does deliver us from it.'
These are the reason why I feel that the words of the Great Master have been unitentionally misquoted or mistranslated."

March 2000, Hermes Atar Trismegistus wrote:

> Do you know if the expression "Heavenly Father", "Heaven Father", "Our Father which art in Heaven" exist in Jewish Scripts?

-Hmm. That is a good question.

And it is difficult to answer off the top of my head due to issues of translation.. but I can affirm that the sentiment of the phrases are in traditional Jewish prayer -- and, subsequently are based on Jewish scripture; likely early Mishnaic material.

Even today, many modern Bibles use phrasology such as "Thou," "art," etc. This is done to give a classic sound to the material. Completely unrelated to the _message_ but that sort of phrasology makes people _feel_ as certain way, agreed?

Well, unfortunately, phrasology which might ordinarily be identified as Christian-oriented was, now and then, avoided in translations of Jewish material for a similar reason: the way it made American Jews feel.

With that caveat out of the way, I'll continue.

If you look at the "Lord's Prayer" as given in the Gospels, and a set of Jewish prayers called "Kaddish" .. you'll notice many similarities both in phrase and structure.

Basically, there are two views on this matter.

First, Jesus, being Jewish was familiar with Kaddish -- and when we taught others to pray naturally used a prayer that both he, and the other people (basically Jews) would be familiar with.

When the Lord's Prayer is given, it is in the context of home worship.. which makes the traditional public worship Kaddish impossible to perform.. the Kaddish after study would be more managable, but Jesus gave sometime more generic: he combined elements from both versions of Kaddish (plus, a few other highly-specialized versions for holidays) and placed them, slightly modified and simplified/shortened (for a likely illiterate farming class of people) into one prayer.

Another idea is that Jesus gave the traditional Yom Kippur Kaddish, and that it was subsequently shortened/reworded as the Gospels were transmitted orally, especially to Gentiles.

I tend to the former idea, myself, because it tends to fit with the persona of Jesus as given by the Gospels.

And a related side note. Since it is obvious that Jesus was familiar with Mishnah-derived Jewish prayer, it might be worth asking if he other things he said were similar to material in the Mishnah.

It is: the Golden Rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you" was worded by Rabbi Hillel in the Mishnah (Pirke Avot) as "What is hateful to you, do not do unto others."

The style of many of Jesus' parables are similar to Hillel's style too.

Hillel was known to be very 'moderate' .. he was willing to teach and talk with anyone who came to him -- much like Jesus.

I suspect that Jesus was well versed in the Mishnah (an incredible accomplishment, given that at that point in history the Mishnah was still orally transmitted -- and Jesus was the son of a carpenter) and that much of Pirke Avot influenced him.

------------- the prayers:

Kaddish for public worship (recited in public worship by a reader)

Exalted and hallowed be G-d's great name
In this world of His creation.
May His will be fulfilled
and His sovereignty revealed
In the days of your lifetime
And the life of the whole house of Israel
Speedily and soon.
And say, Amen.

(congregation, and reader)

Be His great name blessed forever,
Yea to all eternity.
Be the name of the Most Holy One blessed,
Praised and honored, extolled and glorified
Adored and exalted supremely.

Blessed be He.

Beyond all blessings and hymns, praises and consolations
That may be uttered in this world.


Kaddish after study (can be said alone, usually said after study)

Exalted and hallowed be G-d's great name
In this world of His creation.
May His will be fulfilled.

May His kingdom of peace be established speedily in our time,
unto us and unto the entire house of Israel. Amen.

May His great name be praised throughout all eternity.

Extolled and glorified, honored and adored, ever be the name
of the Holy One, praised be He. Yea, He is beyond praises and
hymns of glory which mortals offer Him throughout the world. Amen.

May our Heavenly Father bless all of Israel, its scholars, and
their disciples, and all who concern themselves with the study
of Torah, in this land and everywhere throughout the world.

May there be among them peace abundant, graciousness and lovingkindness.
May they be favored with long life and with ample sustenance, and
may they be delivered from every affliction.

May there be a great heavenly peace and life unto us and unto all Israel.

May He who ordains the harmony of the universe bestow His peace upon us and upon the whole house of Israel. Amen.

-Michael J. Graffam (
New Baird T. Spalding's Lord's Prayer:


You stand revealed to us this day as
The ever-present Principle.

Hallowed be your name;
We know it as Elohim.

Give us to live and know this day as you, God, alone
see us living and knowing,
Ever pure and perfect,
As you have revealed your Perfection to man.

And that Perfection has come forth as your son,
your only creation,
The only one through which you manifest.

Give us to know your son. For to know you as you
know man is to know ourselves.
For in knowing this, we are not led into any way
save your way.
And thus we know that this is the God way for us.

God our Father, we see clearly earh day that we
may and do forgive every trespass that man has
brought forth into this Kingdom.
Thus we are not tempted to set up man's creations
for your creations.

God our Father,
Again we say, hollowed be the name God.

God our Father.

Colonel James Churchward
There can be no perfect religion without science : for science unfolds nature, and nature is the mouthpiece which unfolds the Creator and gives the proof of God.
Confucious. 556 B. C.: "Does God speak? The four seasons hold their course, and all things continue to live and grow, yet, tell me, does God speak?"
Were I called upon to deliver a sermon my text would be Love, that great Divine Love which rules the universe. There would be no hell with its fire of brimstone. For God never made a hell, it is only man's invention and the only hell is what man makes for himself.

"A soul released finds nothing to affright
Save visions false, of terror, bred by creeds,
And deep remorse, that gnaws at evil deeds."

Love is eternal, hell never existed. With the great Divine Love implanted in the hearts of man all would be a great brotherhood of Love. This would end all discord, turmoil and wars among God's family.

These turmoils are with us today, caused by greed, selfishness, envy, hatred, malice and distrust. These evils could not be bred or exist if all men were making spiritualism their primary object in life, and all men worshipped the Heavenly Father instead of Mammon.

With the Divine Love supreme the lion and the lamb could lie down together. God Himself is all Love and is in control of the hearts of man. Without the great Divine Love chaos, with all its attendent evils, must exist. Chaos reigns supreme throughout the world today. Where earthly love exists we see the reflection of the great Divine Love.

W.Robertsons, "An Historical Disquistion of India", Published 1794, Page 274.
"The Brahmins, it is well known, borrowed religion, as well all other sciences of civilization, from the highly civilized Nagas, whom afterwards they relentlessly persecuted."

It is probably Colonel James Churchward who is standing between Douglas DeVorss and Baird Spalding on this photo taken 1935, just before living San Francisco for India to visit the Masters known as Siddhas. Baird T. Spalding wrote about MU in his second volume of The Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East using the name M-O-O-H

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