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Electric motor

This new electric motor and its companion the electric generator has double the output thanks to counter rotating stators and rotors in the same size as an ordinary electric motor or electric generator. Or the same output in half of the size of as an ordinary electric motor or electric generator.

At Chalmers, Göteborg . A test to compare the drive energy for the new electrical generator versus a standard generator was made. The test showed that the new electrical generator used only 1643.5 Watts input energy compared with the standard generator that used 2629.6 Watt input energy for the same output. It means that with a standard electrical motor. The new electrical generator used 986 Watts less input energy than compared with a standard electrical generator for the same output.

The inventor seeks investors, producers and and sellers of this new electric generator which is ideal for water power and wind power.

For more information. Contact: hermes

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