ViVenus - Starchild

Michael X - Flying Saucer Relevations






In this book, you will read about the Venusian girl, ViVenus life on Venus and and Earth. Her mission to awekening the feeling of love in the heart of Earthly men and women.

You will also read Michael X manuscript about the early contactees and his mission to find out the truth about extraterrestrials and their flying saucers.

This book should be read by every person who studies contactees or/and the esoteric tradition. I give the book

Blue candle Blue candle Blue candle Blue candle Blue candle
Blue candle Blue candle Blue candle Blue candle Blue candle

of ten candles, because its interesting manuscripts, photos, newspapercopies and drawings.

ViVenus appered at National UFO Conference at the Hotel Commodore in NY the week of June 24th, 1967. Does anyone have additional photos of ViVenus?

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