Mark Probert and the Inner Circle on UFO

Mark Probert


This chapter presents an example of O.S.C. or outer space communication, that is, information obtained from communicating with beings living in a different phase of life from our own three-dimensional phase. As explained in the previous chapter, with the assistance of Mark Probert acting as the “cosmic telephone" of this two-way communication, we asked the Inner Circle a series of questions regarding flying saucers.

Both the questions and the answers are given below. Some of them are given practically verbatim. Others have been edited and condensed for the sake of clarity and in order to keep within the space limitations of this book. In a few cases where our question was evidently not clearly understood or we did not clearly understand the answer — the matter was cleared up by questions on other occasions. The punctuation, italics," arrangement and of course the notations are our own.

In every case we have made diligent effort to preserve the substance and meaning of their replies, so far as we understood them. A few of the questions refer more to the critical conditions now facing our civilization than to the saucers themselves.

Q. 1. Is it true that so called flying saucers or spaceships are coming to earth at this time? There are still many skeptics who say that they are nothing but balloons, secret weapons, stars, temperature inversions, illusions, etc.

A. l. Yes, it is true. It is of little use to make further effort to convince anybody. As to those who are still standing on the rim of belief, it is better to leave them stand there. Is it not so that life concerns you individually? You need have little concern whether somebody else goes along the path with you.

Q. 2. Some say that space-ships have been coming for many thousands of years and that our ancestors knew about them. Is this true?

A. 2. In the early period of the earth's affairs when man was beginning to show signs of thinking, space-beings came to earth and instructed man on various secret thing, not only regarding the planetary system but regarding their own inner living as well. Some of the greatest teachings man has received came to him by these space-beings in order that various civilizations could advance more rapidly. Through enormous periods of time, the space-craft beings have been making periodic visits to the earth. All races of men have seen them. Five hundred thousand years ago they were well known to the dwellers in Yu, the civilization of the Himalayas. They would come to do, a certain work, and when that work was completed they departed for a period to see how well their efforts would work out. They even came to your American Indians and taught them much and took them for little rides in their ships. (Note: The Yada Di Shi-Ite, the head of the Inner Circle once lived in the Yu civilization referred to above — hence the reference).

Q. 3. Is it true that our ancestors had space-ships of their own in antiquity?

A. 3. Man had space-ships on the earth that could move about the earth in other civilizations and times. But these ships were not interplanetary. They were not of a technique to get out of the gravitational forces of the earth.

Q. 4. Are the governments of the earth in possession of extensive information on space-ships, and are they withholding this information from the people?

A. 4. Yes, they are. They are frightened. They are so “educated” they are frightened. Too little education makes one superstitious, and too much education makes one twice as superstitious! And so they fear.

Q. 5. Have men of earth recently contacted space-ships in physical form and conversed with the space-people in physical form?

A. 5. Yes, this has been done many times.

Q. 6. Have men of earth recently gone into space-ships and taken rides?

A. 6. Yes, they have to a limited extent.

Q. 7. Is there an interplanetary govemment of our solar system?

A. 7. Most definitely. There is what is called a hierarchy throughout the entire solar system — throughout the entire galaxies and island universes. Certain groups of individuals are assigned to certain planets and even to solar systems. Then there are other greater beings that watch over an entire galaxy. (Note: At this point in the interview, one of us could not refrain from exclaiming, “some job!” This caused considerable amusement. We found these intelligences with whom we were talking to be warm, loving, patient and very “human”. They enjoy both a joke and even American slang — although sometimes the meaning of the slang has to be explained to them).

Q. 8. Are the space-ships which are now in the atmosphere of earth under the command of such an interplanetary government?

A. 8. Yes, they are. (Note: In some contacts the hierarchy of planets is referred to as the Guardians, — planetary Guardians. In subsequent research we found that no space-ship, even a visitor or a tourist ship, can enter earth's atmosphere or land on earth without permission of the Guardians. This took away any fear we previously had of unfriendly ships landing on earth).

Q. 9. Where do the space-ships and space-people come from? Some say Venus or other planets of our system. Some say from distant solar systems. Some say outer-space or the etheric regions.

A. 9. The occupants of these space-craft are what are exactly called space-beings. We can say, and truthfully, that they “come from" one or more of your bodies in space or planets like Venus or Mars or Uranus, or any or the rest of them, and we can also say that they “come from" galaxies or island universes many billions and billions of light years from your earth — measuring time as you measure it. But these space-beings are not aware of these gigantic numbers of light years of distance - not aware of this at all. Billions of miles to these beings means nothing. They know what you think along these lines, and that these are your concepts of time and space. But these concepts do not exist for them. These space-beings can go any place, visit all bodies wherever they feel it necessary to go. In this sense, we may say that they “come from" a planet, if you wish.

Q. 10. But do they — the Guardian Ships — originate from a particular planet?

A. 10. No. Their origin is not planetary. I reiterate what we ourselves have said many times before. These beings are space-beings. If you like the word etheric and can understand it, it means the same thing anyway. They live in other densities or other frequencies, other dimensions of time, other laws of matter in motion — no more than this. This is difficult for man on earth to understand, very difficult. What are you going to say to those who are not versed in what is called “dimensions of time?" You are going to say the same thing that your great Einstein said to the man in the street concerning relativity. What did he say? Nothing! It is the most wonderfully informative thing to say to the uninformed. just nothing! (Note: This was said in a humorous vein. As a matter of fact few groups of advanced beings to our knowledge have worked harder or done more to help earth man to really understand outer-space, space—ships and space-beings than the members of the Inner Circle. See books by Probert and Meade Layne in Book List).

Q. ll. Are planets outside of our system inhabited?

A. ll. Among your sky visitors there are some who come from planets and others who come from space. Space is not the vacuous thing it has long been considered. The universe swarms with life of many kinds. Some planets have inhabitants much like yourselves, but on others they differ much in size, weight, density and other characteristics. There are giants and pigmies and all sizes in between.

Q. 12. How is it possible for beings like ourselves to live on other planets of our solar system? How is this possible due to the different conditions of gravity, oxygen, pressure, etc?

A. 12. Your scientific astronomical instruments are highly limited and do not always give reliable information. Some of your planets do not have the balance of oxygen you need or the ionosphere necessary to give the same type of protection. Earth man would find it difficult living on these planets for various reasons. Nevertheless some of them are inhabited by beings with bodies similar to yours. They were born into these environs and therefore are adapted to these conditions. In the same way they would have difficulty living on your earth. Venus is not as hot as many people think. It has a great band of substance around it that protects it from much of the sun's radiation. Mars is not an unhappy place to live. There is plant life and animal life there besides human life. The Moon, at least a great part of it, is uninhabitable for the same reason that your great deserts are uninhabitable. The side you see is desert. But on the other side of the Moon there are people who use it as a base to come from space to the Moon and from the Moon to the Earth.

Q. 13. Can you please tell us a little about these space-beings? Did they live on the earth at one time, and are they more advanced than we?

A. 13. Many of them have never lived on earth but were born and live in their own dimensions of time. Technically speaking, many of these beings are advanced from what you are. Philosophically speaking, they are indeed many strides ahead of you, for wars and murders do not prevail.

Q. 14. How does our planet compare with others?

A. 14. The Earth is a very beautiful spot from space. Indeed, compared with the other planets it is like a beautiful oasis in the vast sea of space. (Note: See next Chapter).

Q. 15. Are some space-people actually on our earth now?

A. 15. Space-people can and do mix with your people on earth. They can even eat your terrible foods without dire results for they know how to relieve themselves from it without taking a purgative that you would get from your nearest drug store. You see I have been listening to your radio!

Q. 16. Are we also space-people?

A. 16. You are space-people yourselves in a very definite sense of that word. You originated from a higher dimension or frequency and are in the process of waking-up and returning there. When you re-learn to control matter, you will be able once again to move in and out of the various frequencies or “time periods". It is difficult to make you feel this now, and it is something you must approach slowly.

Q. l7a. Will you please explain the nature of space travel? We have been told it has several different phases? (Note: Q. 17 has for the sake of clarity been broken down into several parts).

A. 17a. Space-time travel. Between the ships and not only your sun but all suns in space there are great fields of energy. When these space-beings start moving in what you call space-time (miles per hour type of travel in a three-dimension world like ours), it is this solar energy they are working on. They tune to the frequency of certain bands of energy. It is not exactly like a magnetic field. It is substance in a great rate of motion. They contact and control certain bands of light or radiation from the sun. This causes the ships to look as if they are glowing. It produces colors which can run the gamut of the spectrum. The ships are not hot either outside or inside; in fact they are very comfortable inside.

Q. 17b. just to make the record clear, these space-ships coming from other frequencies have to convert to our frequency in coming into our atmosphere or else we do not see them? Is this correct?

A. 17b. That is right. They can be in your atmosphere without your seeing them if they want to be.

Q. 17c. When they change their vibratory frequency it can take them out of our range of both sight and touch. ls this correct?

A. 17c. This is right. And nearness also. The moment they go out of what is called your frequency, the moment they do this they could be on Venus, or close to it, by teleportation. Practically instantaneous. Now your scientists are going to come to know more about this in the course of time. The closest man that has come to it is your late great man Einstein.

Q. 18. Can the body of an earth man stand such a trip (distant space-travel to higher frequencies)?

A. 18. Remember that your body is primarily a water body. In taking someone from your earth to another body in space, that one’s body has to be changed. It will have to be changed before it can go into another frequency. It will have to be “re-chemicalized." There will have to be a “polarization” of the atomic substance that goes to make up every cell of the body.

Q. 19. Is this difficult for the space-people to do?

A. 19. No, because the space-people know how to manipulate matter. This would be impossible at present for earth man to do himself. But they might do it for him if he wished. The blood of earth man wouldpcongeal if his body were taken into outer-space of a different frequency. But with new polarization of the body, this would not happen. They would have to take care of your physical structures. Things are different, so different, in these higher dimensions or higher frequencies. For example there is a greater state of what is called purity of form. Most of what might be called dross or the poisons of the system are eliminated.

Q. 20. What about things falling out of the sky?

A. 20. In. your country, in California, not long ago and not too far from this city (San Diego) huge blocks of ice fell down and smashed some of your cars in the streets. The authorities, to keep things quiet, said that this ice came from airplanes that were being defrosted. (laughter) They surely must have been frozen in ice because some of the blocks weighed over 250 pounds! My friends, where did this ice really come from? A body in space, from Mars, from Venus? Did it fall off the poles of Venus? No. My friends, it came from what you incorrectly call "empty" space. Should space really open up, all kinds of things would come out of it —- this space that I am now waving “my hand" in. (Waves Mark Probert's hand amusingly in the air). Holes in space — simply meaning other frequencies — in which there exists other worlds containing many of the things you have here and many other things you do not have here. (Note: Above ice incident occurred at Long Beach, California, a few years ago, and surprisingly enough was well known to the Inner Circle).

Q. 21. The ice came out of another frequency then?

A. 21. That is correct. A condition took place at that moment in that particular section over that city which was something like the condition preceding an earthquake. It caused a “rent" in space and an upset in frequency through which the ice fell into your frequency.

Q. 22. What about the strange white stuff that has been observed in the air or caught on trees and wires that gradually disintegrates when held in the hand? Some call it “angel's hair" and have connected it with saucers.

A. 22. Space-ships from outer-space are sometimes picked up on your radar machines under certain conditions. To avoid this detection they release showers of this substance. In my own language we call this substance “luckney” (phonetic spelling). It is a kind of radar shield.

Q. 23. Do you wish this printed? (Note: This.question was followed by a definite pause, while members of the Inner Circle conferred. Then came the answer).

A. 23. No! (Note: It is only because full permission was later given that this information is being included).

Q. 24. How many or approximately what quantity of spacecraft are now in our atmosphere?

A. 24. In the upper atmosphere of the earth you have between five and ten million space-ships . (Note: we fully realize that this may come as a great shock to many people, but it has been coordinated with many other O.S.C. sources. We comment on the reasons for this enormous concentration of space-ships in the last chapter).

Q. 25. Could you please briefly give us some idea of the size of space-ships? It is a very confused picture to us.

A. 25. They vary greatly from the little discs that are used like electronic eyes, to the huge mother ships. My friends, it may sound as if we are dealing with fantasy, but some of the large ships are known to be five miles or more in diameter. (Note: This could mean their length is many times this. Later information intimated they could be of planetary size).

Q. 26. Many people of this earth think that the space-people have established certain physical bases or artificial physical planets from which to operate their ships near the earth. Will you please comment?

A. 26. There are of course giant ships which can act as bases and send out smaller ships. They do not need “physical” bases. A fish in water does not need more water to “take off”.

Q. 27. There are a lot of veiled references in our world today regarding the likelihood of our world experiencing a “polar flip" or change of axis of rotation. Is this likely?

A. 27. A "flip" is not going to take place. There is a change, of course, in the magnetic poles and very much of a change. It may look a little dangerous, but this "flip" will not take place. Things have changed a little. They always do. The change is that the sun is giving off more cosmic energy to the earth, more is getting through the ionosphere now. By this I mean greater quantities, and also it is in a purer state than before. This is causing much heat to be let loose in the under-crust of the earth. This is causing the polar caps to melt rapidly so that you will have not another ice age but great floods which will sweep across the earth. You will also have great storms, but no ice age — no "flip". (Note: From this it would appear that it is possible to confuse changes in the magnetic poles with the likelyhood of an axial flip. We realize this conflicts with the views of others, but we feel impelled to publish the views of the Inner Circle just as they were received. The Inner Circle always disclaims absolute knowledge and gives only their views).

Q. 28. What is the greatest immediate danger facing the people of earth?

A. 28. Your greatest world danger is atomic power and its experimental use in these times. This is the greatest worry of the world — more so than the world yet knows. No matter where on earth man may be, it will effect him regardless. If it is not stopped immediately, the earth is going to suffer a great and long lasting effect upon its people. Widespread genetic changes will result. The human form will be drastically changed, and not for the better. Plant life and all earth life will be affected. The underwater experiments are even worse than the others. If earthman ever has to turn to the sea for his food, he will be unable to do so. Today your scientific men who are going on with this are mad in the head. They think because they make tests to see if there is very much radiation, and not finding very much, they think this is all right. They do not stop to think of the effect of the “little” they are able to find. The little they find, if that little was not placed there by nature — a natural condition — then it is an unbalanced condition. They are playing like children with a toy. After the experiments are over, what have they found out? What have they proven by this thing? Do you know? The effects are not going to come fast — but slowly. They will come slowly - like a thief in the night. (Note: The Inner Circle is in earnest in its forthright warnings regarding the dangers we face with atomic energy. They also state that there are other energy differentials, far less dangerous, which we should seek).

Q. 29. What about so called “fire-balls"? Some are green fire-balls.

A. 29 The Guardians are doing all they can under cosmic law to help men of earth. They send these great balls of light into the atmosphere to help neutralize dangerous atomic radiations. They gather the radiation and convert it to forms less dangerous to the human body. (Note: If this is true, and some experienced researchers have for years found the Inner Circle both honorable and reliable - it is certainly a comment on our civilization. What a picture — our scientists poisoning our earth — and the space-men, our elder brothers, neutralizing the poison!)

Q. 30. Is this why the space-ships have come to earth in such numbers?

A. 30. We do not like to come and talk to you of unhappy conditions. Yet we must. You cannot bury your heads in the sand. Primarily they are coming to warn you to be careful, but not this alone. The time for warnings is getting short. You are poisoning your atmosphere. Your people will not be able to live on the earth if you continue it. You will turn your beautiful earth to desolation. (Note: While great emphasis is here placed on the danger of atomic radiation, note the phrase “but not this alone”. See last chapter for further discussion of why they are here).

Q. 31. Do you mean there is a possibility of man destroying himself from the earth?

A. 31. Man definitely may destroy himself from the earth. He is seeking to do this now. He has an unconscious masochistic desire for destruction — and so it may be! As time does not matter very much in the cosmic scheme of things, if man wants to destroy himself physically from the earth for a period of time that is his right. This may be a necessary experience, but he will eventually come back again and try again, for this he must. (Note: This is somewhat condensed but the intimation appeared to be that if man wipes himself from the earth, he will come back to earth again and again until he finally learns the lesson that destruction does not pay).

Q. 32. Will man be permitted to destroy the earth itself?

A. 32 No! The main concern of the space-people is not that man may destroy himself from the earth. What they do not want to happen is sudden mutations or chemical changes in the physical structure of the earth due to radiations from these bombs! Remember that the cosmic radiation from the sun itself is highly diluted as it comes through the ionosphere, so that only a bearable part gets through. By letting loose these bombs you get pure energy into your atmosphere with nothing to dilute it or break it down into more or less harmless substances. The planet earth is a school, a very necessary school. Man is not going to destroy the earth.

Q. 33. In a dire emergency would these space-craft take some of the people off the earth — take them somewhere else?

A. 33. That is right. It would be voluntary. Those that did not want to go could stay.

Q. 34. Is there anything we humans can do — things we should be doing and are not doing?

A. 34. There are of course many things you are not doing. There are also many things that you do not know to do, and I am in no position to tell you now. Many great teachers have shown you the way. My friends, do you know how to live day by day? To center your thoughts upon what you are doing? To forget what others are doing? To play your own part to the best of your ability? Do the best you can. Learn meditation. Learn emotional control. It is very important. Learn detachment — to be the "dreamer” and not the dream. Live your life to the fullest with LOVE. You cannot do more.

Flying Saucer Pilgrimage - Bryant & Helen Reeve page 133-144, Fall 1965, Issue No. D-4, $2.50

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