Looking for Orthon

Looking for Orthon by Colin Bennett

Colin Bennett

Amazon Books - Looking for Orthon by Colin Bennett

Paraview - Looking for Orthon by Colin Bennett

Together with George Adamski the untold story by Lou Zinntag and Timothy Good this is the best book on George Adamski.

I give it

Blue candle Blue candle Blue candle Blue candle

Blue candle Blue candle Blue candle Blue candle

of 10 candles.

Because it does not have the photos of the extraterristials and the flying saucers and the motherships.

New The background to Looking for Orthon by George Adamski Foundation:

Yes, Hermes, I have the book for archival sakes ... And It is a piece of garbage too - which I told him as well including the facts to support them .... Colin Bennett did not approach any of the living Adamski coworkers, and only contacted us for permission to use copyright photos and materials - which was denied. He was not interested in any factual information, only that which he had already predisposed. There are so many lies, misinformation and outright leaps of fabrication from the beginning that it represents a travesty for those truly interested in Adamski. Apparently his poor research and work had purposefully intent.

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