
guestpen 2K

Thank you for visiting my pages. I would love it if you would Add to this guestbook I am keeping!

Read old guestbook between November 04, 2000 and December 31, 2001

Only the truth will set you free.
Sverige - Saturday, January 2, 2002
My Father had me reading J. Churchward's books in the 50's. Became interested in ancient civilizations & have been lecturing on same for over 30 yrs.
Roger <>
Dover, PA USA - Thursday, January 03, 2002 at 02:56:28 (MET)
Merci pour vos renseignements sur Baird T. Spaldig. Merci aussi pour votre site. Que Dieu vous bénisse.
Clermont Couillard <>
St-Anaclet, Québec Canada - Monday, January 07, 2002 at 02:21:06 (MET)
HI First of all: your homepage is in Swedish, but your guestbook in English. Why ? And now I wish to present myself. I am German but living in Sweden. Since spring 1999 (the outburst of the Kosovo War) I have been warrying for a possible Third World War. Since then I have been steadily participating in a german-language discussion boarfd on the items prophecies - political and economical events- threat orf a third world war. Most of the prophecies are by now familiar to me. For all swedish-speaking readers, I would warmly recommend to read not only the prophecies by Anton Johannson, but also those of the later Birger Claesson from Kumla. He received two prophetic visions in 1950/1951 and he was very eager to publish them immediately. The first vision was published in the book "Domen över Sverige" (1951) and the second in the book "Sveriges ödestimme" (1953). Claessons visions are much more well documented, which is a consequencew of the fact that Claesson himself took care of the publishing while his visions still were very clear in his mind. Claessons visions describe an invasion in Sweden, which not has taken place yet. His descriptions are very much in detail, and show a high degree of probability. Please excuse my bad English, it would have been easier for me to write this comment in either Swedish or German. Greetings Frank (Odin)
Odin <>
Nyköping, Sverige - Wednesday, January 09, 2002 at 09:34:05 (MET)
my girlfriend recommended i read baird spalding's book, the life teachings for the new year 2002.
willie r. thompson <>
spring valley, ny usa - Tuesday, January 15, 2002 at 19:29:34 (MET) Dear Friends, George Harrison probably changed the world more than anybody else we can possibly imagine. There is nothing more soothing and more inspiring than the music of an incredibly gifted artist, and George Harrison is certainly one of, if not the most influential artist of the 20th century. Let's pay tribute. At the very least, just drop in and say that you share his vision of peace and love. Sign the George Harrison Guestbook, to keep love alive
Sverige - Wednesday, January 16, 2002 at 08:22:20 (MET)
Hej Nu skriver jag på svenska då det som jag vill säga främst är riktat till svensktalande. Med tanke på de mycket allvarliga och oroväckande profetiorna tycker jag att det behövs ett debattforum dessa profetior och om ett möjligtvis hotande tredje världskrig. Jag har i snart tre år varit aktiv i ett tysktalande debattforum om samma ämne, där många profetior - även dem härifrån hemsidan - kritiskt granskats och hela tiden jämförs med den världspolitiska utvecklingen. I detta forum tenderar vi till tolkningen att krigsutbrottet kan tänkas äga rum redan i år eller möjligen nästa år. Det vore därför mycket angeläget att snabbt inrätta ett liknande forum för svensktalande eller nordbor helt allmänt, där man kan hålla kontakt och utbyta sig i frågor som profetior och världspolitik, aktuell krigsrisk, nödvändiga förberedelser, flyktvägar, "säkra" regioner, uppbyggnad av nödförråd, grupper för självhjälp o.s.v. Jag skulle vara glad om gästgivaren här på hemsidan kunde inrätta ett sådant öppet forum, där detta kan debatteras. Jag ställer minba förkunskaper till förfogande, då jag under längre tid granskat det mesta som publicerats om profetior i det tysktalande området. MVH Frank (Odin)
Odin <>
Nyköping, Sverige - Thursday, January 17, 2002 at 11:57:12 (MET)
Jag måste tyvärr avböja förfrågan att inrätta ett forum där tredje världskriget kan diskuteras, jag har helt andra planer med min hemsida och för det andra så tror jag inte på något tredje världskrig...ännu.
Sverige - Monday, January 21, 2002
DID YOU MAKE THIS STUFF UP OR WHAT!!!!!! Your religion seems to be based on good works. JESUS died because he knew that we were not capable of relying on our good works to enter the kingdom of heaven. You should forget about those in the past who tried to conceal the truth from GODS word "THE HOLY BIBLE". Your relationship "PERSONAL" with JESUS CHRIST is all you should be worried about
harrison, ar usa - Friday, January 18, 2002 at 05:09:25 (MET)
du är sjuk!!!!!!!!
Lund, Sverige - Friday, January 18, 2002 at 13:20:49 (MET)
good stuff
B. Wallace
Sverige - Monday, January 21, 2002 at 05:29:02 (MET)
Just discovered your page and have but 5 minutes left at this terminal. Have just finished reading Vol 1-5 of Masters of the far east. Enjoyed them immensley. Also enjoy the writings and tapes of Joel Goldsmith. Recently acquired "The Impersonal Life' by Joseph Benner. Any comments?
bill mcfadden <>
toronto, Canada - Tuesday, January 22, 2002 at 22:30:05 (MET)
andrew lyster
andrew lyster <a@b.c>
Sverige - Wednesday, January 30, 2002 at 22:13:37 (MET)
Very interesting reading. Just a note I think would go well with this. Yesu is the proper Hebrew and Aramaic translation of "Yehweh-Savior". Nominative it is "Yesus"; accusative case is "Yesun". "Yesu" is the vocative, genative and dative case. This is based on the Koine Greek (everyday Greek that the New Testament was written in, not classical Greek). The first English translation of the Bible (Tyndale's 1525) used "Iesu" and "Iesus". The first edition of the King James Version (1611) used "Iesus". During this time period 'I' had a 'Y' sound and 'J' had the sound of 'Y' when it was a consonate. By the early 1800's 'J' had lost its 'Y' sound and taken on its present sound of soft 'g'. So now we say Gee-zuz instead of Yeh-sue. I personally believe believers should call him Yesu as this is the name his followers called him while he was with them, and by confessing and believing on his name we are saved, so I want to get it right :) This is not to say that people that call him Jesus won't be saved, contrary, we are saved through faith, and he knows in our hearts what we mean :) ALL PRAISE TO THE MASTER, FOR HE IS GREAT, LOVING AND THE WAY! COME TO HIM CALLED ONES!! (CB)
Jamie Nicholson <>
Inverness, Fl USA - Thursday, January 31, 2002 at 16:33:04 (MET)
Hi, I have read several years ago, La vie des maîtres, and I liked it a lot. If you ever do decide to give the movie, I would be interested in receiving a copy. Email me. Thanks
Isabelle <>
Aylmer, Canada - Friday, February 08, 2002 at 13:54:06 (MET)
Gratis besökare till Din hemsida
Eva Braun
Sverige - Sunday, February 10, 2002 at 20:20:22 (MET)
Aloha, Ten years go, I read a series of books that altered my thoughts and in altering my thinking it obviously altered my path and existence in life, I was only 15 when I first read The Life and Teachings of the Masters of the Far East. It became so clear to me the point of humanity and the reason for the existence in the flesh. I’m writing this guest book to establish contacts with people who are genuinely interested in truth. I would feel privileged hearing from anybody who feels the same. Mahalo’s (Thank you) for constructing a website filled with so much knowledge and other informal material, I really appreciate people dispersing such valuable knowledge.
Meagan Rasmussen <>
Kailua-Kona, HI U.S. - Thursday, February 14, 2002 at 21:01:28 (MET)
thank you for having this site .information and links are most interesting. one comments about the content of spalding book's,,, « it works »
francois Robillard <francois>
canada - Friday, February 15, 2002 at 20:31:40 (MET)
a short time upon eating a tiny scroll i came as if into a wirl wind and was taken from one reality to it's beginning where upon i saw below me myself now being a perfect orb, pure light energy consciousness green in color. in my sight there were four great beings below us the kosmic pool of kaos where upon i witnessed the entire evolution of man a myriad times a myriad times at the end a message above the world it said: smirly grits below the world it said: we have failed and the world was earth after viewing this what I believe to be a divination I came into this world a new man, and the man that I had been, realizing myself only to be that which is infinite, a part of myself being you and you being only a part of myself. the tiny scroll was LSD the gateway to kaos the four beings are my helpers I am the vast and infinite one in true form this body I wear is a mask to hide my true self you would believe me if so you are rare I have come to put the finishing touches to save this world set for it a new course in this effort we will not fail we are as one the universe was created with the cosmic force of love and divine will.... you have seen things I am sure things that are supernatural this is the end of this message there will be more to come prophecy is revelation revelation of future events unfolding during their designated time as does a flower come into bloom restoration reformation transformation you have been chosen for the apocalypse manifold destiny infinite possibilities of future past and present events time does not exist all things happen simultaneously all paths all roads all possibilities. all is infinite. I am Mazhavn M Z H V N * god conscious * all things emanate from the supreme mind subconscious conscious subconscious conscious subconscious conscious subconscious conscious subconscious conscious subconscious conscious subconscious conscious subconscious
M A Z H A V N <>
lost Dynasty, none Mu - Saturday, February 23, 2002 at 11:21:05 (MET)
Thank you and Ido hop that tru God ...God of ABRAHAM and Israel will bless you with more of HIS wisdom from above (Daniel 12.1,4,3,10) HOPE
nadia <nadiatomazic>
MELBOURNE, VIC AUSTRALIA - Sunday, February 24, 2002 at 08:44:19 (MET)
Happy b-day, George! Since you asked, I am writing a book about The Beatles... it's a collection of mine. I hope it's a good enough tribute to such a fab band! It's just too bad that I've missed 2 Beatles in concert... Love K
Kelly W
Sverige - Monday, February 25, 2002 at 15:35:28 (MET)
COLORADO SPRINGS, CO USA - Thursday, February 28, 2002 at 04:38:43 (MET)
I read your book, A Search for the Historical Jesus, some time ago, and was absolutely fascinated by your knowledge of the ancient texts, and ability to trace the travels of the one thought to be the same Jesus, called by many different names. Being raised a Christian, it was difficult at first to consider the possibility of his survival of the crucifiction, but upon reading your book, and another author who openly stated that Jesus indeed survived the crucifiction, brings me to the point that I believe his death was perpetuated to bring an end to the 'Christian' movement begun by his followers. He instead became a did many before him... and a new era was born.... I don't have the ability to study the old texts myself, but I have been disillusioned regarding religion after bad experiences with organized religion. My own course of study lead me to your book. It was an eye opener!! Thanks!
Patti <>
USA - Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 06:19:05 (MET)
I sin vanliga ordning utan att människan har ett seriöst intresse för att gå vidare i sitt sökande/utveckling slår man ned på varandras upplevelser. Märk väl Vi är olika som individer, därför är vi även unika. Var och en av oss uppfattar tillvaron efter vad vi får in inom oss. Om vi alla skall kunna lyssna inåt bör vi kunna bli ödmjuka, inte slå ned på saker vi inte förstår. Vi spekulerar och antar utan att ha insikt hur allt hänger samman. Många av oss tycks visa rädsla för någonting nytt, det är lättare bortförklara en att undersöka! När vi kommit en bit med att undersöka börjar tvivlet. naturligtvis ska man sovra, den här världen har så mycket av ego, Jag förstår att man är försiktig, naturligtvis handlar det om urskiljning. Öppnar man sitt hjärta och tar in det som känns rätt då upplever man samvaron med sanningen. HA DET!
Lennart Fogelberg in Grantorp
HUDDINGE, Sverige - Saturday, March 02, 2002 at 09:58:20 (MET)
From what ive seen this comes close to my thought on religion, i dont planning on going to church and believing lies from reverends, or believe in a man on a cloud. I havent studied this page 'that' good, because "*Read books instead of doing good. (James 1:22)". I believe in the good that is inside us all, its a shame many people cant see that we are the gods ourselves. Bring on the universal enlightment!
The Netherlands - Monday, March 04, 2002 at 10:20:58 (MET)
Hej igen. Jag ska försöka här ge lite inspiration. Som ni vet antar jag, pågår en massa mörka energier just nu. Var lugn! Det är en temporär företeelse för närvarande. Det finns mycket just nu som sker, som händer här och var på planeten Jorden! Du som läser det här, visualisera fred inom dig, se det inom dig. Jag lovar då sker mirakel. Ju fler som visualiserar fred ur sina hjärtan desto större resultat på sikt kommer i dager. Visualiserar vi alla tillsammans fred (inklusive Utomjordingar) lovar jag att det sker precis som jag sa mirakel. Öppna hjärtat istället för att tvivla, tvivel är det vanliga när vi hör om saker som verkar avlägset, är det det? I detta skrivandets stund förvånar mig inte om någon eller flera av dem utefrån (rymden) läser detta! Varför skulle de inte kunna göra det. de har en teknologi som överträffar vår egen och vår fantasi om dem. Reser du till en annan kontinent på jorden träffar du på en främmande kultur. Reser du med ett UFO träffar du på en helt annan utomjordisk kultur. Vad är skillnaden? Naturligtvis jagar vi upp oss själva genom den okunnighet vi har om tillvaron. När dagen D kommer, kommer alla människor på jorden få kunskap om aktiviteter om andra existenser, deras kulturer. Kommer detta att ske under din och min livstid? Enligt vad jag hört kan det ske saker före år 2011. Tänka sig 9 år dit! Ponera det råder en fibril verksamhet därute bland stjärnorna, hur man ska kunna ge jordens människor information. Allt det här jag nu skrivit verkar rena galematias, overkligt, är det det? Ingenting är omöjligt! Vad måste vi själva kunna åstadkomma, första är att få bort rädslorna som vi går omkring med. Försöka ha tillit. Även ha urskiljning! Det finns så många bedragare som säger si och så, någon annser mitt skrivande här är bedrägeri, min vän det är alltid upp till dig tro´t eller inte, falskt eller sant. Valet är alltid upp till oss själva. Varför inte känna efter om det verkligen är sant eller falskt! Nu har jag givit dig huvudbry, givit dig något att fundera över, valet är ditt. Annser du mitt skrivande här är blaj, okey för det. Var och en av oss kommer till insikt om saker och ting, olika från oss som person till person. Vi utvecklas olika, detta gör oss till unika individer. Var och en av oss bär på förståelse efter vad vi tar in till oss och bearbetar. Ingen är förmindre en den andre! Vi alla är från samma källa, ursprung! We are Human Being! Så vänner ha det gott!!!
Lennart FogelBerg
HUDDINGE, Sverige - Monday, March 11, 2002 at 20:39:44 (MET)
Si vous avez aimez les enseignements de Baird Spalding, et êtes intéressé à faire un pas de plus en avant, à aller au-delà des théories, et ainsi, vivre vous-même " la vie des maîtres " , dans la vie de tous les jours, et mettre en application concrètement ce type d'enseignement, vous découvrirez un cours pratique et complet pour passer à l'action quotidiennement dans : THE COURSE IN MIRACLES par The Foundation for Inner Peace , et publié par : VIKING, PENGUIN BOOKS. Soyez béni,
- Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 18:15:13 (MET)
Brothers, if you have like the lesson of Baird Spalding, and be interest to take a step moreover plus ahead, with go beyond theory, and thus, live yourself " the life of Master ", in the life of tous.les.jours, and put in application concretely this type of teaching, you discover a course practical and complete to pass with action daily in: THE COURSE IN MIRACLES by The Foundation for Inner Peace, and published by: VIKING, PENGUIN BOOKS. Be blessed,
montreal, QC canada - Saturday, March 16, 2002 at 18:21:21 (MET)
Hej Kollade runt på din fina hemsida.Tydlig, snygg, lättnavigerad. Besök gärna våran hemsida också, Den har ALLT som har med Sverige att göra. Berätta vad du tycker om den! Diana Ekberg
Diana Ekberg < >
Stockholm, Sverige - Tuesday, March 19, 2002 at 11:49:08 (MET)
Cool web site ! Keep up the great work! If you get a chance check out my site.
Webmaster Viper <>
Legardeur, canada - Saturday, March 23, 2002 at 21:54:18 (MET)
Vänner. Jag kommer här att ge er lite inspiration. Kan finnas meningar/ord som är lite svårbegripliga. Vi är låset, vad är nyckeln? Tar vi mot nyckeln som låser upp oss, växer insikten som ger oss större förståelse! Genom insikten förverkligar vi oss, vi förenas med det gudomliga! Människan kan växa i styrka. Tyvärr måste jag säga, det finns många (inte alla) som misshandlar sina liv. Se vad som sker runt omkring er. Vi som förstår att meditera har möjlighet öppna dörren mot världar av ljus. Även andra har möjlighet öppna sin inre dörr, genom att stilla ned sin stress och fina lugnet. Ute i vår omvärld hör vi och ser vi via massmedia att människor råkar ut för våld som rån, misshandel, hot, krig. Varför händer detta? Min förklaring av vad jag förstår, handlar det om ren frustration. Det ser ut som människan inte är nöjd med sig själva! Skulle vi omvandla våra rädslor till fullkomlig KÄRLEK skulle tillvaron bli helt annat. Men vi vågar inte visa det inför varandra. Oftast sätter vi ordet kärlek till sexuella akter. Det handlar inte bara om det, kärlek är något mycket mer. Förverkligar vi den universella kärleken kommer vi att få se andra betydelser i våra liv. När vi realiserat kärleken höjs medvetandet inom oss och vi får vara med om saker som vi i vår vildaste fantasi aldrig har haft någon tanke om! Inte nog med det, i och med att medvetandet höjs växer insikten om andra samhällen, andra kulturer utanför jorden. Detta uppvaknade kan ge oss en glimt hur olika samhällen och invånare lever. Det finns inget att vara rädd för upptäkten av andra kulturer. Vad vi mest borde egna oss åt är vår egen kultur först innan vi ens förstår de andra. Då menar jag, du och jag som individ. Vad vill vi? Vad önskar vi? Hur ska vi forma vårt samhälle för att även kunna förstå våra liv? Detta är faktiskt ingen utopi. Vi kan realisera det! Frågan är NÄR? På en gång? Ja, det går om man har viljan! I vår omvärld finns många erbjudanden som relaterar till olika aktiviter angående självutveckling. Många är negativa till "NEW AGE- rörelsen" inte undra på eftersom det finns krafter som utnyttjar New Age-anhängare. Krafter som vill förlöjliga dem som vill arbeta för någonting gott. När det gäller freden så har den ett stort värde, den ger varje människa styrkan att bevara och vårda freden som sitt sköttebarn. det jag nämnt här är en vändpunk för oss människor på jorden. Om viljan finns kommer saker att hända, saker som ger varje individ hoppet tillbaka och en innerligen önskan om varaktig fred samt utveckling till någonting bättre och en värld tillsammans med andra världar (samhällen) leva sida vid sida med! Detta kanske kan tyckas vara avlägset, vi kan redan nu börja, och börjat har det faktiskt gjort. Redan på sextiotalet när Flower-Power-kulturen inledes så har det varit upp och ned. Fram till 1991 då Berlinmuren rivdes, sen kom någoting nytt. Sen dess har det bara ökat med olika nyandligheter och meditationcentra, New Age-butiker, samt många andra rörelser som ger människorna hoppet om ett fortsatt levene och utveckling. -SLUT-
Lennart Fogelberg
HUDDINGE, Sverige - Saturday, April 06, 2002 at 15:32:16 (MEST)
I bought the 5 set books in 1988. I'm at the end of Book 4 and wish there were other books of this kind. I have decided to read the suggested book by Drummonds. I will practice as mentioned in the books.
Rita Chubbs <>
Detroit, Mi USA - Thursday, April 11, 2002 at 07:42:18 (MEST)
Please E-mail me. I have to warn all of the world about us Reptoids. I would appreciate it if you could make a link to our homepage As you probably know if you are an Alien expert the Reptoids are one of the more powerful races. Thanks. REPTOIDS ARE THE BEST and blues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kyle Olsen <>
Daoktiz, N/A Cazana - Sunday, April 14, 2002 at 23:20:15 (MEST)
Hej! Var ute och surfade för att få inspiration för att förbättra designen på min sida, och råkade hitta din fina hemsida. Tydlig, snygg, lättnavigerad. Besök gärna vår hemsida också, Den har ALLT som har med Sverige att göra. Berätta gärna vad du tycker om den! Hälsningar Diana Ekberg
Diana Ekberg <>
Stockholm, i Sverige - Friday, April 19, 2002 at 11:45:02 (MEST)
Hello Everyone, Free Email for a Global Community. Register Your Name today! Very easy to remember. while other sites claim "free email" this site is actually free and with no advertisements. free email < free email>
Hollywood land of Movie Stars, CA United States - Sunday, April 28, 2002 at 20:43:29 (MEST)
Thank you for the work you've done making it possible for us to find out more about the life and teachings and the author Baird T. Spalding. I allways wondered what happened to the other members of the 1894 expedition, how they lived their lifes after what they had experienced, and the notes that they were taking at that time. Perhaps someone out there can tell me more about that. Thank you so much Athanasius
athanasius <>
france - Monday, April 29, 2002 at 10:23:22 (MEST)
Have a wonderful day!
Gregory <>
Pittsburgh, PA USA - Wednesday, May 08, 2002 at 21:42:50 (MEST)
atlanta, ga usa - Monday, May 20, 2002 at 15:56:27 (MEST)
Your site looks good!
SearchBliss Webmaster Resources
USA - Wednesday, May 22, 2002 at 17:24:30 (MEST)
wonderful book, i am reading it for several years and still it brings me new points of go s always with me
peter becaus <>
zottegem, ovl belgium - Saturday, May 25, 2002 at 14:25:18 (MEST) is taking our religion in a new direction. I think it could be good. Go there and look under the "Newer Testament" page.
Jonny Fontane <>
Pomona, ca usa - Sunday, May 26, 2002 at 02:23:18 (MEST)
My new book is out entitled FLYING SAUCERS - 50 YEARS LATER. Exposes a lot of the fraud and reveals a lot of the truth. See the following for a 15 page description from the publisher in Canada.
C.A. Honey <>
Ontario, CA USA - Monday, May 27, 2002 at 21:52:42 (MEST)
My name is Edmund Marco and it's a pleasure to sign your guest book. I work for an advertising agency in London. Our agency represents direct marketing companies that are involved in the marketing of products as seen on TV in England. Most of the infomercial products come from the U.S. but then again we export our talents as well. My brother has appeared in infomercials in the U.S. advertising various products. I think it's hilarious that English people respond so well to American products while Americans tend to respond well to sales people who have an English accent!
London, Kent England - Friday, May 31, 2002 at 11:15:54 (MEST)
My mother's maiden name is Spalding. I would just like to know if they are related. Thanks, CL Patterson
CL Patterson <c.patterson>
SLC, UT SLC - Tuesday, June 04, 2002 at 23:40:12 (MEST)
Hello, please visit the best site about EDUCATIONAL FILMS :-)
bam <>
Warsaw, Poland - Monday, June 10, 2002 at 13:45:57 (MEST)
However the books, "Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East", come into ones life, know it is at that moment GOD is calling you home! Who else but GOD could bring such LOVE!
David Bart Agee <>
Hollywood, FL USA - Tuesday, June 11, 2002 at 09:08:54 (MEST)
andover u.k., Sverige - Monday, June 17, 2002 at 12:52:16 (MEST)
ANDOVER, U.K., Sverige - Monday, June 17, 2002 at 13:02:59 (MEST)
Hello, from Southern California..
Jee <>
Glendale, CA USA - Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 18:38:24 (MEST)
Just Surfin.. Hello From Gold Coast Australia.. Well Done..
Ed Z <>
Gold Coast, QL Australia - Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 16:38:11 (MEST)
Greetings to you and your guests. Love what you’ve done with your site. As an educator I can say you have great communication skills.
La Mesa, Ca US - Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 08:47:14 (MEST)
Now is the Time to Remove the Veil & See! Now is the Time To Send Love Into every Room we Enter! Now is the Time to send Love to every person we Encounter! Now is The Time to speak with our Heart! Now is the Time To start. Now is the Time to Embrace our Universal Family! Now is the Time to usher Agape Love! Now is the Time to Enlighten! Now is the time to Let Your Lights Shine! Now is the Time! Now is the Time To Glow! Now is The Time To usher The Cosmic Flow! Now is the Time for our Love to Show! Now is The Time To Reclaim our Personal Power! Now Is The Time This Very Hour! Now is The Time To Release & Be Free! Now is the Time to Remove the Veil & See! Now is the Time to Remember Love is not just In December! Now is The Time To Give & Share! Now is the Time to Care! Now is The Time To Accelerate our Spirit! Now is The Time To Listen & Hear It! Now is The Time Usher The Divine Intent! Now Is The Time To Grasp Why This Message Has Been Sent! Now is The Time To Burn Bright! Now The Time Is Right! - By Dallas
sallad <>
la, cal Sverige - Friday, July 19, 2002 at 14:57:07 (MEST)
I was reminiscing about my childhood interest in Mu and wondered if that old rascal Churchward was still attracting those who know little history and no science. I see that he is. Oh well, enjoy!
Rev. Earl L. Langguth <>
Penn Valley, CA USA - Tuesday, July 23, 2002 at 03:51:37 (MEST)
May the Lord be with us all.
Picture of The Last Supper
USA - Thursday, July 25, 2002 at 08:24:29 (MEST)
Looks like you are famous, who knew?
Lisa <>
- Friday, July 26, 2002 at 06:09:16 (MEST)
Hi to you and your guests. My name is Jazz (Mom liked jazz music). I recently got into the web site promotion business. Are you interested in some online marketing help with your site. I do search engine optimization, keyword marketing research, and pay per click management. In short, internet advertising. If interested, email me at
Internet Marketing
San Francisco, Ca US - Friday, July 26, 2002 at 14:44:43 (MEST)
Nice Site!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boris <>
- Monday, July 29, 2002 at 13:43:48 (MEST)
Cool site
Mikael <>
Sverige - Friday, August 02, 2002 at 15:28:53 (MEST)
Very good webpage you have here, and best greetings to all your visitors. You Are also --> WELCOME <-- To Visit My Webpage as well Have BIG fun...
27 IDX 106 - Odinn
Akranes, ICELAND - Sunday, August 04, 2002 at 23:03:56 (MEST)
Thank you for your love. Love is seeing you and everybody as important and as a blessing, and being a blessing you and to all. I gather and share what people say about love and wisdom. What is love? Please send me your thoughts. We love you.
Peter <>
- Tuesday, August 06, 2002 at 11:30:58 (MEST)
I am extremely impressed by'Life and teaching of the masters of the far east' I think that all people, religions and faith are exalted.
Kwon Yoon Won <>
Seoul, Republic of Korea - Tuesday, August 13, 2002 at 14:29:40 (MEST)
I really thank to your biography : Torn Veil. As you know in our country, some group of the unknown strike brutally to christian region. But people quote unquote say it is jihad movements. So we really thank you about Isaiah 54:17 No weapon that is fashioned against you shall prosper, and you shall confute every tongue that rises against you in judgement.
Rante Batti <>
Sverige - Wednesday, August 14, 2002 at 09:56:53 (MEST)
Through my friend the American medium and clairvoyant the late Elwood Babbitt, I was told to search for a set of books The Life and Teachings of the Masters by Baird T. Spalding. I eventually found the books which reinforced the beliefs I already held with regards to this inner power that is the birthright of all individuals. It has become the goal of my life and has inspired my own writings. I wish I knew which of those scientists transcended materiality and went on to do the works!
Ledash <>
Canada - Saturday, August 17, 2002 at 19:46:57 (MEST)
Very good webpage you have here, and best greetings to all your visitors. You Are also --> WELCOME
Odinn Thor ... The REAL Viking
Akranes, ICELAND - Friday, August 23, 2002 at 15:25:13 (MEST)
Hello everybody - Just wanted to wish you a great day ... :-)
private Krankenversicherung <->
Frankfurt, Germany - Thursday, August 29, 2002 at 04:24:54 (MEST)
I adore the book it has more information then I would ever find, I have also discovered on my own and take full responsability for the realationship between MU symbols and crop circles*** with out the book I couldnt have done it** THANKS!
Robyn <>
brk, On Canada - Sunday, September 01, 2002 at 04:26:01 (MEST)
There is definitely a supreme force above us and we call that force as God. If the force is supreme then there can exist only one God. Through the years travelled so far in my life, my experiences and knowledge has brought me to the One whom we should all bow to - JESUS CHRIST! Sometimes we find it difficult to reveal the truth and make it accepted by all, but we know for sure deep down in our heart the path we are going is good and the correct one. Even when Christ lived on earth people refused to believe in the truth present in front of them. What can the people do now who have no solid proof except to hear the sayings of others. Everything arises in the heart - love,anger,hatred,belief etc.. It is just a matter of time to make the change in it. The truth is hidden inside us - we need to discover it by being humble and willing to accept the truth. After all this world is just an illusion (maya), we are a mere shadow and nothiong is real. The reality is the truth - GOD and that is what we have to search,fight and struggle for. For the purpose of our existance is to find the Divine and to receive His bliss and nothing else. If everyone lived leaving one's desires to the Will of God, earth would defintely be a paradise, but perhaps that is not the Will of God now for we see the Satan seems to be ruling the world. What is bad is generally easily attracted by one, keeping us far away from the truth! This is the big 'tragedy' of today. To conclude no mattter what religion one is, until the truth is revealed to them, one should atleast follow the Bible, Bhagvad Gita, Quran etc.. by reading and grasping the meaning in it and finally to put in to practice, the teachings taught, in our daily lives. In the present world everyone fights saying that their religion is the greatest etc.. but they fail to do what their religion has taught them. How can they boast about their religion when they themselves are not showing a good example of it? If one stops to ponder about the foolish activity one does, the truth will be revealed to them. GOD BLESS YOU ALL WITH THE HIDDEN WISDOM WHICH IS FAR AWAY FROM US BECAUSE OUR HEART IS NOT READY TO ACCEPT!
Delphine <>
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Bogota, Putumayo Colombia - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 10:05:48 (MEST)
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Freelance Writer
Mission Hills, CA US - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 18:40:57 (MEST)
Turn wholly to the Lord JESUS, The SAVIOUR, and leave the rest.
Sverige - Thursday, September 05, 2002 at 20:57:48 (MEST)
GOD BLESS YOU! [Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East] is best of best. We are one in god.
hastinapur <>
south korea - Friday, September 06, 2002 at 13:35:55 (MEST)