Helen and Bryant Reeve

Helen & Bryant Reeve


Is it actually possible to contact space-ships and space-beings and to communicate with them? It seems to us the correct answer is that it has been done throughout ages past, and we are just reawakening to some old truths and again becoming aware of the fact that such things are actually going on “right under our noses" so to speak. It may be interesting to review briefly some of the different ways in which these contacts and communications are now being carried on, as we learned about them on our trip.

Please note that the term “contact” as commonly used sometimes overlaps with the term “communication” to a degree. We often say “we contacted him” — meaning that we got in touch with someone and also that we communicated with him. But this should cause no confusion as long as one’s attention has been called to it. Also please note that this subject of “contacts and communications" with beings in outer-space is a tremendous subject all by itself. We cannot do it justice in this book. All we can do is to touch upon a few salient phases.

Let us first consider a few different types of contacts and then get into the matter of communications. The first and simplest type of contact is generally called a “physical” contact. It goes something like this. A flying saucer lands near some people living on the earth. The saucer is in a solid, visible, tangible state of matter and so are the space-men or space-women aboard it. Out they come and the earth people see and talk to these space-beings: Sometimes but not always they also get a chance to touch them, and the space-people are as solid and “real” as anyone could wish. Communication is sometimes carried on by signlanguage, or it may be by speech or even by telepathy. And there we have a “physical” type of contact. Whether this is the best and most useful type of contact is a different to classify it as a physical contact and an electronic communication.

A fourth type of contact and communication is one in which neither the saucer nor the space-man is seen! But these are contacts and communications just the same, and anyone who neglects to study these different types or anyone who thinks that a physical contact represents the only type of contact or communication has not made much of a study of this tremendous subject. Dr. Williamson’s group has made numerous contacts in which neither the space-beings nor their ships were visible, and so has George Van Tassel, and others.

Daniel Fry’s first experience also illustrates still another, a fifth type of contact. We regard it as a very important type although it is not generally thought about. In Daniel Fry’s case it occurred in advance of his physical contact with a saucer. He was not even aware of it until later. He found out later that preceding the physical saucer contact, the space-man had “ransacked his mind”. Just think of what this means! The space-man had ransacked Daniel Fry’s mind! The space-man therefore made a one-way mental contact with Daniel Fry -— contacted his mind, read his thoughts and his experiences and found out all he desired to know ahead of the physical contact. Are there mental contacts going on in the world today between space- men and earth-men? Indeed there are! And they can either be one-way or two-way contacts and communications. We would classify this as a one-way telepathic contact.

Still later Daniel Fry received communications from the space-man by hearing an unmistakable “voice in his head", and he replied both audibly and mentally. Thus his replies were in the mental or telepathic category, and the voice in his head was a type of clairaudience. So here we have telepathy and clairaudience added to the list of methods used in contacting and communicating with space-beings.

Still another variation of contact is to see a saucer land and see space-men get off of it and perform certain acts — such as gathering up soil samples — and then see them depart. Such cases have been reported. This of course does not involve a communication and might be classed more as a type of “sighting" or “landing.” There are also a few reports of people actually being struck or hit by a saucer. As previously stated, maybe this is a type of “physical contact" that some skeptics are looking for to convince them of the reality and solidity of these objects!


Here we have already cited six or seven different types of contacts and communications before we have barely started on the subject. What we are trying to convey is first that this is a very extensive subject about which volumes could be written. Secondly, that contacts and communications with space-beings are by no means confined to “physical contacts”. In fact we found that the most significant, interesting and valuable~information regarding outer-space has not been coming through physical contacts but through other means — electronic, mental or cosmic, means of communication, or whatever one wishes to call these phenomena.

In fact we found‘ such a tremendous variety of means of communicating with outer-space actually being used that we had to develop a new term to cover them all as a whole. As previously stated we use the term O.S.C. -- outer-space communication — to cover them all regardless of the means used, whether they are physical, electronic, mental or otherwise.

Here is a list of some of the classifications or different types of O.S.C. which we have studied. In classifying communications remember also that they can be either one-way or two-way. Physical contacts, Projections of consciousness, Contact by emergence, Automatic writing, Electronic, Dictation, E. S. P., Mediumship, Telepathy, Samadhic meditation, Clairaudience, Reading cosmic history, Clairvoyance, Inspired writings, Sound & sight rays

The above is only a partial list, but it should convey some idea of the many different ways in which communications are being carried on with those living in other phases of life. Remember that some space-beings are physical or three-dimensional, but many others live in higher dimensions of life and in different types of solidity and are unseen by us because we lack the necessary "tune-in" ability. At this point we can almost hear some of our readers protest and say, "Heavens, we are now getting into subjects which are taboo!" Are they indeed? Well if any reader feels that way we fear that he will have a hard time understanding outer-space because outer-space itself will by its very nature become taboo to him! We have painstakingly pointed out that outer-space, while it has a physical aspect, also possesses many aspects which are not physical. If this is so, why should we be surprised to find that communications with outer-space also have not only a physical aspect but also other aspects beyond the physical. Anyone who is afraid to venture beyond the physical world had best leave the subject of outer-space communications strictly alone. We shall again touch upon this matter of taboos later in this chapter. Meanwhile let us briefly consider some of these different means by which contacts and communications with those in outer-space are now being carried on.


We have already mentioned these. As we understand it, a physical contact involves several of the five physical senses being aware of the contact. We must either see, hear, touch, smell or taste the space-man or space-ship! Usually we insist on at least hearing and seeing the space-man. This is the only type of contact which some people recognize. So be it. That is their privilege. But most physical contacts only last a few moments, and the information gained is usually negligible. From our point of view, it is not the most desirable or useful or profitable type of contact. There are other types which are more important.


A contact may occur when a space-ship or space-beings "emerge" from a higher frequency of life into our physical range of consciousness. This can then be followed by a communication in the physical realm. Such an emergence must precede a space-ship's entrance into the atmosphere of earth if the space-beings live in or pass through a higher frequency. If they normally exist in a three-dimensional frequency corresponding to our own and do not pass through a higher frequency in coming to earth, such an emergence is not necessary (See Chapter 27 "Emergence”).


Our research indicates that electrical or electronic types of contact and communication with space-beings have been accomplished by amateurs to a limited extent. How much farther national governments or scientists have gone is shrouded by the veil of official secrecy. Mr. john Otto of Chicago and others have worked on this. Dr. George Williamson is one of the sincere exponents of this method of communication, and he is diligently working on it on a two-way basis of both sending and receiving (Chapter 4).

We should also remind our readers that in the last two decades earth scientists have made tremendous efforts to communicate with the moon and other planets by means of radio and radar signals. Efforts were made to “beam” signals to certain bodies in outer-space. At the time, these efforts were considered pretty much of a failure by many because return signals were not forth-coming in the manner expected or hoped for. It now begins to appear that these efforts may have been far more successful than at first realized. In the years following these attempts, space-ships began coming into the earth's atmosphere in large quantities, and some of the saucerers insist that there is a definite connection between these events.

In World War II the phenomenon of "foo fighters” was observed and known to many airplane pilots and their crews. These were usually described as "fireballs" which appeared either singly or in groups and glowing with various colors. They ranged from a few inches in size to several feet and seemed to be intelligently controlled. They would follow along with the planes, appear and disappear, and maneuver in strange fashion. These foo fighters have been so well covered by other written works that it is not our intention to duplicate this information. However, we would like to say that everything we have learned indicates to us that these foo fighters are small “scanning saucers" or “instrument saucers" or “electronic eyes" sent out from space-ships by remote control to gather various types of information or data. We understand that these small instrument saucers not only send back physical data such as speeds, altitudes, or air pressures, but they can televise their surroundings and send back pictures and even telepathic impressions. We are inclined to classify this phenomena as another type of one-way electronic contact and communication. Many of us are always thinking about our contacting of the space-beings. It might be well for us to think that they are also contacting us —- observing us, and even reading our minds when they wish to.


E.S.P., extrasensory perception, is a technical term which refers to the acquisition of knowledge by extrasensory means,rather than by sensory means. It is a limited term and not a general term as many people suppose. It does, however, include telepathy and certain phases of clairvoyance and “precognition”. In case the extrasensory perception reaches into the future it is called “precognition”.

We ourselves feel we have no right to criticize the term E.S.P. especially if it helps any student to understand the phenomena involved. However, it may be interesting to point out that many of the O.S.C. messages which we have studied do object to this term E.S.P. One reason is that it pulls man apart and does not put him together again. “Where,” the space-beings ask, “does thought leave off and sense begin?” Also they object to the word “extra” as conveying the concept of something “extra”, or beyond the normal equipment of man. They state that man is naturally complete and has all the equipment for telepathy, clairaudience, clairvoyance and many other things. Through the abuses of his body and mind and through lack of education and practice however, he has all but lost his ability to use this equipment. The space-beings emphasize and re-emphasize the fact that man’s body — rightly conditioned and controlled cannot be excelled as an instrument for communication with outer-space.

There should be no difficulty in differentiating between O.S.C. and E.S.P. We repeat that O.S.C. is an overall term covering all types of outer-space communications, whereas as we understand it E.S.P. is a limited technical term covering acquisition of knowledge by means other than the use of the senses.


Telepathy, as we use the term, represents communication by thoughts. It is a sub-division of E.S.P. Telepathy is often used in contacts and communications with space-men for the reason that thought is the language of outer-space. Space-men do not need speech. They normally communicate directly by thoughts.

The only reason that all of us are not now in free communication with space-beings is because our thought-receiving ability, more than our sending ability, has been lost — and we will have to regain it. Most of us have lost this sensitivity, but some people do have this ability right now and are using it for O.S.C.

Many materialists insist that a communication must be by means of human speech to be valid. What is so wonderful about human speech? It is one of the crudest and most inefficient means of communication! Words are forever changing, and there is no universal language. If one person wishes to convey a thought to another by means of speech what does he do? He codes the thought first into words, then he codes the words into sound symbols. The receiver has to pick these up despite intervening noises and de-code the sounds into words and the words back into thoughts. What an antiquated method! Why not communicate direct by thought? That is exactly what the space-people do, and they tell us it is vastly superior to speech in every way.


This literally means clear-hearing, and refers to hearing above the range of ordinary hearing — above the human "octave" of hearing. Most people are familiar with certain dog whistles which are pitched so that the human ear hears no sound whatsoever, but a dog can hear the whistle and respond to it. In the same way certain people are clair-audient in that they can hear sounds in higher ranges of frequency than most humans. This brings them nearer to the space-beings so far as sound communications are concerned because the more advanced space-beings dwell in higher frequencies. Mark Probert is an example of a person who is clairaudient. He can hear beings in other phases of life talk to him as if they were in the same room. Another noteworthy variation of clairaudience is a powerful voice inside one’s head. (See Chapter 14).


This literally means clear-seeing. It refers to the ability to see above the “octave" or "spectrum" of human sight. This ability, depending upon its perfection, places one in a more favorable position actually to see space-people and space-craft. Advanced space-beings live in a higher-frequency and in a different spectrum than we do, and those with clairvoyant ability can often see them or their space-ships when those of duller vision are not able to. It is quite a thing to be with a person who can see somewhat “higher” than human sight. We have had this interesting experience. Another variation of clairvoyance, as applied to communications, occurs when the receiver sees the space-messages spelled out in lights or contrasting colors as if on a screen.


The space-beings are able to focus rays of energy on a human being and thus transmit sounds or “pictures” to that individual. They can employ either or both of these rays. These rays can be tremendously powerful and have to be adjusted carefully to the individual to avoid injuring him. (See Chapter 13).


Some individuals have the ability to project their consciousness into outer-space and to bring back a conscious recollection of what they observed. The body remains in one place, but the consciousness travels anywhere it wishes without the human limitations of time or space. Some possess this ability naturally, while others acquire it by instruction and practice. Some projections are entirely involuntary. Suddenly a person finds himself in a distant place which he may have been thinking of. In some instances he is actually seen there and recognized by others. In other cases the projections are voluntary and controlled. We have witnessed this phenomenon of projection by others and we know it can seem very startling to the uninformed. During a projection extra-terrestrial regions can be visited, and communication with space-beings can be accomplished. The West is particularly ignorant of this phenomenon, but in the Orient it is much better known. (Read Autobiography: of a Yogi — See book list)

Incidentally we asked the great Yada Di Shi-Ite regarding projections into higher dimensions of life, and his reply may be of interest to some of our readers. He said, “Many people have gone in projected bodies to many places, but this becomes what is called a personal revelation and you are not called upon to believe it at all. It is something that belongs to them, and while it may be very interesting and very fascinating to listen to - the only one who holds any actual proof of what happened is the individual who had the projection.”


This form of communication is interesting. Usually a person takes a pencil and paper or sits at a typewriter or provides himself with some other convenient means of writing. Then he clears his mind and completely relaxes. In this condition it is possible for a space-being to take control of the nerves which actuate his fingers and cause him to write or draw and thus effect communication. In some cases the recipient is not even aware of the material being transmitted until later when he reads it. Note that this method involves a degree of muscular control by the space-being. The Oahspe Bible is said to be an example of this. There are also other works which have been received by automatic writing -— some published and many more unpublished.


This is somewhat similar to automatic writing but does not involve the same muscular control. It occurs when a space-being “dictates” a message or an entire manuscript to someone on earth who takes it down, either in longhand or on a typewriter, etc. The space-man may “emerge" into the frequency of earth and give the message audibly (so that others could hear it as speech if they were present), or it can be transmitted telepathically or by virtue of clairaudience. In the latter cases it would not be audible to others present - unless they possessed the needed sensitivity. The point to note about dictation is that the space-being is intent on transmitting a written message — not merely a verbal one. A Dweller On Two Planets by Phylos is an example of a book written by this method. (See Book List).


Mediumship is an interesting means of communication with beings living in other planes of life. In some cases it occurs as a division of consciousness in which one part of the medium's mind is controlled temporarily by the communicator, while the rest is still conscious of human surroundings. In "deep trance" mediumship the medium enters a type of "sleep" and is unaware of human surroundings or of the communication being transmitted. Some researchers consider the latter form superior in that they think the message is less apt to be influenced by the mind of the medium. In very ancient phases of man's history on earth, the gift of mediumship was very highly regarded as one of the very highest and greatest of spiritual gifts. We feel that this attitude will return in time as we re-discover the scientific and practical value of good mediumship. We make good use of telephones. Why should we not make good use of sensitive. individuals who have the ability to act as cosmic telephones?


Samadhic meditation is somewhat similar to a projection of consciousness, but it is usually induced and controlled by the individual. In India and the Orient it is often regarded as a high goal of attainment. It is sometimes acquired by a long and arduous course of training under an adept involving dieting, deep meditation and breathing techniques. In samadhi the consciousness leaves the body and enters a, state of "illumination" in which knowledge far beyond the human is attainable. The body remains in a state of low metabolism. We know several individuals who have attained this state, and they are indeed remarkable examples of advanced souls with powers far beyond the human and natures which are almost saint-like.

Incidentally, some O.S.C. messages advise against the general use of samadhi by the peoples of the West because it is not suited in general to the Western mind and body. But there are exceptions. It is also pointed out that samadhi can be misused if it is employed as a mere "escape" from earth consciousness instead of as a means of making this world more livable.


There is such a thing as cosmic history. Space-beings have access to it, but it is not recorded in books. We understand that all the events and happenings in the universe are recorded in a phase of universal energy. These records are sometimes called the “Akashic Records". A few individuals on earth possess this rare gift of being able to cognize or “read” these records. This is another method of contacting the mysteries of outer-space and gaining information. We personally know at least one individual who has this ability. Also the late Edgar Cayce of Virginia Beach, Virginia, U.S.A., possessed it (as well as other remarkable gifts) to an extraordinary degree. Those familiar with his life and works know of the many practical uses to which he devoted this ability.

The ordinary human being has no means of knowing anything that goes back very far. But by utilizing individuals with this ability, it is possible to regain lost knowledge of the past.


In connection with our subject we feel it would be a mistake not to mention present day inspired writings. Many people these days receive inspired thoughts regarding outer-space and the space-ships and the planets and the new age we have entered as well as what lies ahead. As we understand it, the space-beings are actually directing cosmic ideas to the earth, and these are being received inspirationally by many individuals all over the world. They do not know where these ideas come from. They are like intuitions and inspirations, but the individuals somehow feel sure that they have received something good and fine and true. This is a characteristic of this age, and we classify this as a one-way inspirational broadcast or communication from the space-beings to their brothers and sisters on earth. It is part of the unseen help they are lovingly giving us in these critical times.


Quantity. The amount of outer-space communication going on through all of these various channels right under our noses is truly amazing. We could only evaluate the tiny part of it which we as private researchers came across. But if this were multiplied in proportion around the world, it presents a picture of staggering dimensions. Quality And Content. We have examined and pored over literally hundreds of pages of O.S.C. messages which have been transcribed in different ways but never published. Some are on tape recordings. Here is no petty discussion of individual human problems. Far from it. Here is material with a marvelous cosmic sweep and breadth. It covers all kinds of great subjects. Most of it refers to the great new age in which our earth is now moving and the great changes which lie ahead of us. It tells about the nature of life and substance in outer-space and also of the great space-beings who guard the planets and solar systems. It touches upon inter-planetary governments and their councils.

Some of it is astronomical and refers to conditions in outer-space and on the surface of other planets. Part of it is historical, going back millions of years. Part of it is technical and refers to the techniques of space-ships and of cosmic transportation. These things should be of interest to astronomers, archeologists, scientists and engineers - at least those who are not too hide-bound and are not afraid of O.S.C.

There is also no lack of forthright warning regarding our misuse of atomic energy. Occasionally there are teachings in regard to cosmic law and the paramount necessity of our understanding the law of cause and effect. But never have we seen an O.S.C. message delivered in a “preaching” tone! Warnings are always given with an amazing discernment, compassion, love and a detached viewpoint. It is never, “Do this or don't do that!” It is more, “This is the cosmic law. If you persist in this or that, then this or that is bound to happen. Now you do what you please — but we, your elder brothers, are warning you of the inevitable consequences."

O.S.C. messages also state that there is going to be a great house-cleaning on this earth; in fact it has already begun and will come before the "golden" part of the new age can take place. We shall speak more about these things in chapters 29, 30 and 31. The point we wish to make here is that none of these vast changes are ever presented in a fearful or frightening way. In other words none of these great space-beings will ever say anything to engender fear in the human mind! We present this as an interesting observation. We are therefore suspicious of any claimed 0.S.C. messages which tend to frighten people to death. To us anyone with such messages has not "tuned-in” very high up! Most of the messages are of very high order. As our friend Meade Layne puts it, “They present a great danger and a great hope!” Some of them reach the very heights of majesty and sublimity. It has been an inspiring thing to study them. We felt as though we were actually listening to the teachings of great loving masters residing in outer-space. How any student of modern space-phenomena can overlook O.S.C. is beyond us. We found it the most worthwhile and intriguing phase of our entire investigation.


We have been asked if there is not danger in O.S.C. of contacting some being in a different phase of life who is ill-disposed toward us or possibly vicious. Yes, we believe there is such a danger in many of the methods referred to. In fact we have noted three things that bear careful watching in O.S.C.

First, there is a possibility of contacting ourselves — our own higher selves or subconscious — and thinking mistakenly that we are in touch with a space-being. As we see it, there is nothing wrong with contacting one's higher-self. It knows a great deal and can be very helpful. But let us distinguish between this and a space-being! We must learn how to distinguish between one's own ideas and the messages from outer-space. This is a part of the scientific training and practice which we need in these matters.

Secondly, there is the danger of contacting the "wrong" being -— someone who is downright ignorant or who may know less about life than we do. Also we must be careful about contacting someone who is of evil intent or who is crafty or whose only desire is to make a sport of an earthling who voluntarily follows his lead. This is no laughing matter. On our trip we saw a few pitiful examples of this. How can we tell the reliability of the being we contact? We must painstakingly prove out the contact ~— slowly develop the cosmic "reputation" of the communicator. This takes time, patience and a scientific attitude. “By their fruits ye shall know them.” (Bible, Matthew 7:20).

Thirdly, we have been asked if there is a possibility of confusing a mental experience with a physical experience. Yes, we believe there is. We feel that this item must be very carefully watched by both the person having the experience and the public. For example an individual may experience a “projection of consciousness" into outer-space and gather valuable information. There is nothing basically wrong with this. But if such an experience is presented as a physical experience — this, of course, is wrong and can lead to great confusion.


We have been asked what we consider the best type of contact and communication. Our reply may surprise some of our readers. The very best type of contact as we see it — the ultimate of outer-space communication — is not with another individual at all! It is to make a direct contact with Cosmic Consciousness, or the Divine Mind, or the All Mind! When a space-being has attained a certain state of progress and wants to know something, he does not go and ask another space-being for the answer. He goes directly to Cosmic Consciousness and gets his answer. They tell us we are in the process of re-learning this ourselves.

As to contacting space-beings, the best contact we think is the most continuous contact on the basis of proven reliability of the information received. In such a contact one can keep going back again and again for additional information or assistance. This is not necessarily a physical type of contact. We feel that this is food for thought.


As we see it nothing holds us back more from learning rapidly about outer-space and they that dwell therein than our taboos. The great teachings of the Eastern seers are largely taboo in the West. The spiritual nature and powers of man are taboo to medicine. Metaphysics is taboo to physics. One branch of religious thought is taboo to another branch. Thus throughout the centuries we have just about “booed” ourselves out of all cosmic knowledge!

If anyone so much as whispers the word “occult” —— heavens, just watch the rush for the door! The word "occult" simply means “hidden”. That is all. Just “hidden”. In the name of truth what is being hidden from us? It is about time we found out. We are convinced from our research that when we have the courage to bring the hidden truths of life out into the sunlight, we will find ourselves in possession of many of the secrets of outer-space! When are we going to cast aside our little three-dimensional fears, prejudices and taboos and open our minds to the previously hidden truths which are even now pouring to earth like a rain of pure clean water.


What should be our attitude toward O.S.C.? Should this subject be taboo in modern, intelligent circles? Should we sneer at it, scorn it or disregard it? We feel that such an attitude is highly unintelligent. If we wish to conquer outer-space, how can we afford to overlook any channel of contact or communication? How can we afford to leave any stone unturned? After all the best, quickest and most practical way to learn the secrets of outer-space is to ask the beings who live there! Who knows more about it than they do. This is just plain common sense.

As we see it, the only correct attitude toward O.S.C. is to develop it scientifically. The scientific attitude is the right attitude. The approach of Dr. J. B. Rhine of Duke University, Durham, North Carolina, in his study of “Parapsychology” typifies this scientific attitude. Certain other groups also have a proper scientific approach. We need this approach applied to every type of O.S.C. We need to investigate, study and evaluate all these methods scientifically. We are always out of balance on the physical side. We spend millions of dollars on a physical approach to outer-space. What we have tried to point out is that outer-space is more than physical so why confine our efforts to the physical? Who can say that equal efforts in the realm of O.S.C. will not get us into outer-space faster than our present efforts along purely physical lines!

Flying Saucer Pilgrimage - Bryant & Helen Reeve page 182-199, Fall 1965, Issue No. D-4, $2.50

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